IEMA’s Skills Map sets out the knowledge and skills required of sustainability professionals at all stages in their career. Through engagement with members and employers, we identified 13 knowledge and skill areas that are key for high-performing environment and sustainability professionals. These 13 knowledge and skill areas fit into three categories: core knowledge, technical knowledge and skills for sustainable leadership. At the Full and Fellow member level, a much higher level of competence is expected than at the Entry level.
You can also use the Skills Map and specific Membership Standards as tools to identify areas of continued professional development as a member of IEMA.
At the very core of high-performing environment and sustainability professionals is a requirement to understand the fundamentals of sustainability and business. This underpins what it means to be a sustainability professional in today’s economy and recognises that knowing about sustainability alone is not enough. In order to make change happen we need to get buy-in for what we are doing, the easiest way of doing this is understanding how organisations work and being able to talk the same language as our colleagues. This core knowledge is at the heart of all our professional membership grades.
In addition to the core knowledge described above, Sustainability Professionals need more detailed technical knowledge across environment, social, economic and business/governance horizons. The scope and depth of technical knowledge will be relevant to each individual, and their experience and your career aspirations.
When it comes to demonstrating technical knowledge to gain Professional membership – this isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach – if you are an environmental specialist you will have a depth of knowledge in the environment horizon; if you work in corporate sustainability you are more likely to have a broader knowledge base covering all four horizons. It is about having the knowledge that is right for your chosen career path.
Skills are key to putting our core and technical knowledge to good use. This list shows those that are key for sustainability professionals.
The Skills Map is the overarching framework that each Membership Standard is based upon. The different Membership Standards detail the level of competence required for Associate, Graduate, Practitioner, Full and Fellow Membership. It takes each of the 13 knowledge and skill areas and uses them as a 'learning outcome', which is what you should be able to demonstrate upon joining or upgrading.
It goes into detail about how each of the 13 areas are assessed and what content would be useful for you to understand. Use the menu below to see the Membership Standard for each level.
A launchpad for graduates who want to take on a transformational role in business. Graduate membership is a decisive first career move and the start of your progression towards becoming an IEMA Practitioner, as you apply your skills and knowledge.
The entry point for those building a career in environment and sustainability. A way to get recognition for the knowledge you’ve gained through your work. It's for professional people looking to get more fully involved and make an impact in an environment and sustainability role.
At the heart of IEMA is a community of professional experts working to make the future better. The benchmark for environment and sustainability professionals with sleeves rolled up; membership for the working experts who are driving change.
Full membership of IEMA is the gold standard for environment and sustainability professionals who are setting agendas and leading initiatives within their organisations. If you’re working to turn a sustainability vision into action then we’re right with you.
The nature of leadership is changing: leaders increasingly need a strong sustainability record while sustainability professionals are being called to step up and lead. IEMA Fellow is the definitive mark of these new advocates for change. Becoming a Fellow will put you at the forefront of our network of sustainability professionals – the largest and most established in the world.