
Make your mark

There’s a whole new world of opportunity for environment and sustainability professionals — and this is your way in.

The drive towards sustainability has opened up new professional avenues across all sectors. If you’re looking to start out or make a change in your career and have real working experience to share, then Associate membership of IEMA is your gateway into the profession. You don’t have to have a conventional academic background in environment and sustainability. As part of our worldwide community you can quickly access the training, support and industry knowledge you need, while gaining recognition and building your network within the profession.

Command words

A number of command words are used to help applicants understand the level of detail required. These include:

Identify: Stating the name or identifying the characteristics/main point of something. Normally a name, word or phrase will be sufficient, provided the reference is clear.

Recognise: Same meaning as Identify.

Outline: Stating the most important features of something. Equivalent to a thin description but involves more than simply listing.

Describe: Providing a thorough description and enough detail about an item for a learner to have a clear picture of it.

Explain: Providing a detailed response (definition and explanation). ‘Explain’ may involve giving reasons for something, linking causes and effects, drawing parallels, pointing to relationships or showing how theory can be applied.

Associate Skills Gap Analysis tool

Curious about how your skills align with the fundamentals of sustainability? Try our interactive skills gap tool—now in beta testing! This quick self-assessment helps you identify strengths and areas for growth as you navigate your sustainability journey. As we refine the tool, we’d love your feedback to make it even better. Share your thoughts at [email protected] and help shape the future of this resource!

Core knowledge competencies

  • 1. Fundamentals of Sustainability
  • 2. Principles and Issues of Business Governance

1. Outline the implications of global trends for the environment, for society, for the economy and for organisations.

Prescribed Content

The Associate applicant will be familiar with:

  • Mega Trends: Climate Change (GHG and climate consequences), population, global middle class, urbanisation, pivot to asia-pacific market, resource scarcity, biodiversity loss
  • Sustainable Development: Brundtland definition; triple bottom line (environment, society and economy)
  • Sustainable Capital: Natural, Social, Human, Financial and Manufactured/Built
  • Environmental Limits: Planetary boundaries concept (Stockholm Institute)
  • Sustainability Skills: IEMA Skills Map

2. Outline sustainable business/governance models, their underlying principles and their relationship with organisations, products and services

Technical knowledge competencies

The technical knowledge section is split into environment and socio-economic. Those who wish to take the environment exam related to this standard will be assessed on only the environment-related learning outcomes but those who wish to take the sustainability exam will be assessed on the environment and socio-economic related learning outcomes.

  • 3. Issues and Principles
  • 4. Policy, Regulation and Legislation
  • 5. Management and Assessment Tools
  • 6. Innovative and Leading Practices

3. Outline environmental or socio-economic principles and their relationship with organisations, products and services

Prescribed Content

The Associate applicant will be familiar with:


  • Natural Cycles: Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Water
  • Ecological Systems: Plants and animals and their interactions with non-living components including energy
  • Ecosystem Services: Supporting, Provisioning, Regulating and Cultural
  • Environmental Limits: Planetary boundaries concept (Stockholm Institute)
  • Pollution Sources, Pathways and Receptors: Including the concept of pollution linkages


  • Social Protection Floor: access to essential health care (including maternity care), basic income security for children, persons unable to work and older persons.

4. Outline major policy and legislation and their implications for organisations, products and services

Prescribed Content

The Associate applicant will be familiar with:


  • Types of Law: Common, Statute, Civil and Criminal law (in jurisdictions where they exist)
  • Policy Instruments: Fiscal, legislative, market and voluntary instruments
  • Principles of environmental policy: Polluter Pays, Precautionary Principle, Best Available Technique, Hierarchy Approach, Producer Responsibility, Lifecycle Thinking
  • Environmental Legislation: Legislation in relation to natural environment, air, water, land, energy, waste, resources, climate change, planning and producer responsibility
  • Environmental Regulators: National regulators appropriate to country or region of operation/activity (in jurisdictions where they exist)
  • Penalties: Civil and criminal sanctions (in jurisdictions where they exist)


  • Types of Law: Common, Statute, Civil and Criminal law (in jurisdictions where they exist)
  • Policy Instruments: Fiscal, legislative, market and voluntary instruments
  • Principles of socio-economic policy: People Centred, responsive and participatory, multi-level, conducted in partnership, sustainable, dynamic
  • Social Legislation: Legislation in relation to human rights, equality, gender, labour rights, health and safety, inclusivity, diversity, engagement, healthcare, income security, and well being
  • Regulators: National regulators appropriate to country or region of operation/activity (in jurisdictions where they exist)
  • Penalties: Civil and criminal sanctions (in jurisdictions where they exist)

5. Outline major tools, techniques, systems and practices used to improve sustainability performance

Prescribed Content

The Associate applicant will be familiar with:


  • Environmental Management Tools: Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and Audit covering the main applicable standards and key elements/steps within the tools as well as advantages and disadvantages.
  • Brief coverage of the following: Impact Assessment, Lifecycle Thinking and Corporate Reporting covering main features, advantages and disadvantages only.
  • People: Sustainability profession, leaders (organisational), wider professions, everyone


  • Socio-Economic Management Tools: Impact Assessment (Social, Health, Human Rights), Socio-Economic Surveys, Stakeholder Engagement, Auditing (labour, human rights), Corporate Reporting
  • People: Sustainability profession, leaders (organisational), wider professions, everyone

6. Outline the role of innovation and other leading practices in developing sustainable products and services and providing sustainable solutions

Skills for sustainable leadership

  • 7. Analytical Thinking
  • 8. Problem Reframing and Resolution
  • 9. Effective Communication
  • 10. Relationship Development
  • 11. Resilience, Risk and Continual Improvement
  • 12. Delivering Sustainable Solutions
  • 13. Leadership for Change

7. Collect data, perform analysis, and evaluate information

Prescribed Content

The Associate applicant will be familiar with:

  • Data: Absolute and Normalised data, Qualitative and Quantitative data

8. Research and plan to provide sustainable solutions

Prescribed Content

The Associate applicant will be familiar with:

  • Innovations: Academic research, developments by competitors, other sectors and wider stakeholders, new business models

9. Deliver effective communication and capture feedback

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The Associate applicant will be familiar with:

  • Internal Stakeholders: Leadership Team, Operations, Finance, Other Specific, Departments, All Staff
  • External Stakeholders: Partners, Clients, Customers, Suppliers, Shareholders, Regulators, Local Community

10. Engage with stakeholders

11. Outline tools and techniques that identify opportunities and risks

Prescribed Content

The Associate applicant will be familiar with:

  • Risks and Opportunities: At an operational and organisational level, risks and opportunities to the environment, risks and opportunities presented by a changing environment

12. Identify and propose ways to improve performance

13. Support change and transformation to improve sustainability

Associate Membership overview

  • What is it?

    The entry point for those building a career in environment and sustainability. A way to get recognition for the knowledge you’ve gained through your work.

  • Who is it for?

    Professional people looking to get more fully involved and make an impact in an environment and sustainability role.

  • Where on the journey?

    This is the starting point for environment and sustainability professionals and you can expect to progress to Practitioner membership and beyond.

  • What do you get?

    Badge and suffix: Gain professional recognition and continue your development

    1. Share your knowledge and expertise on your social channels and profiles with the IEMA membership digital badge and suffix
    2. Demonstrate your level of competency using the IEMA Sustainability Skills Map
    3. Record your CPD activity with IEMA's portal to show how you are up to speed with the latest thinking and developments

    Events and networking: Connect globally with sustainability professionals

    1. Free access to IEMA Connect, the annual environment and sustainability conference
    2. Free access to UK and world regional networks and IEMA Futures events
    3. Discounts on industry events through IEMA partnerships
    4. Opportunity to volunteer for a UK or world steering group

    Webinars: Learn with exclusive video content – live and recorded

    1. Free access to member-only webinar programmes, such as the How To series
    2. Exclusive access to our watch again video library (1,000+ videos)

    Toolkits: Practical guidances, toolkits and other resources

    1. Free access to more than 60 guidance documents and toolkits in each of the Policy and Practice areas
    2. Latest developments straight to your inbox through exclusive membership email updates

    Transform magazine: Keep relevant with Transform – our member magazine

    1. 6 print editions of Transform magazine per year delivered straight to your door
    2. Regular digital editions of Transform and content by guest editors
    3. Access to partner webinars

    Compliance platform: Be confident in your compliance with Navigate-Environment

    1. Free access to Navigate-Environment Lite, a dedicated information service to help you stay informed on all the latest guidance and legislation
    2. 30% discount on the complete Navigate-Environment platform

    Policy engagement: Share your experience and help shape public policy

    1. Exclusive access to join IEMA's policy networks: Climate Change and Energy, Biodiversity and Natural Capital, Circular Economy, Impact Assessment, Environmental Management, Social Sustainability or Sustainable Finance
    2. Feed into IEMA positions, statements and reports on key sustainability issues
    3. Opportunity to join roundtable discussions with senior parliamentarians

    News, blogs and podcast: Stay informed with the latest sustainability news

    1. Be the first to know of the latest news and developments via
    2. Get the IEMA podcast straight to your inbox
    3. Read and contribute to the IEMA Blog
  • How do you get it?

    Take our online exam in your own time, or an IEMA accredited course. We can prepare you with everything you need to know with our Foundation Certificate training courses. These provide a great way for you to get a foothold and demonstrate your competence in this kind of work.

  • What does your organisation get?

    Associate membership offers support, training resources, information and professional connections, so that your organisation has the expertise to manage environmental risk and compliance.


Ready to become a AIEMA?

If you’re looking to start out or make a change in your career and have real working experience to share, then Associate membership of IEMA is your gateway into the profession. Join now or upgrade your student membership.