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Magazine April 2013

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Transform Magazine April 2013

Featured Magazine article

Raising the bar for sustainable events

Paul Suff on how the Locog sustainability team ensured London 2012 surpassed its targets

8th April 2013

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Paul Suff reflects on what the latest statistics on the UK's carbon footprint and energy production reveal about how far away the reality of a low-carbon economy is

11th April 2013

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Hayley Tam and George Hobson, from LexisPSL, describe the outcome of the biggest-ever waste case prosecuted by the Environment Agency

10th April 2013

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Peterborough crown court will decide the size of the penalty to be imposed on Safapac after the chemical and packaging company pleaded guilty at a magistrates' court to polluting the River Nene in June 2012

10th April 2013

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Revisions to ISO 14001 will ensure that environment management systems (EMSs) offer greater value to organisations and that the environment is considered at the strategic level, according to IEMA's Martin Baxter, after ISO's publication of the draft standard

10th April 2013

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Chris Davies, the Liberal Democrat environment spokesperson in the European parliament, outlines EU plans to ensure high standards in ship dismantling

10th April 2013

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Companies are adopting a more strategic approach to natural capital to offset the risks posed by degrading ecosystems services and resource scarcity, according to a new study

10th April 2013

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Josh Fothergill, IEMA's policy lead on impact assessment, discusses chancellor's failure to meet his deadlines on updating EIA guidance

9th April 2013

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Since IEMA relaunched its online newsletter Downloaded at the beginning of February, the webpages have received more than 12,000 hits. Despite these high numbers, not all members are accessing the new service

9th April 2013

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