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Magazine January 2011

Magazine cover artwork for Transform MagazineEnvironmentalist January 2011

Transform Magazine January 2011

Featured Magazine article

2011: the year ahead

the environmentalist asks policymakers, regulators and business leaders what the main issues facing practitioners will be over the next 12 months.

1st February 2011

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Most of our environmental legislation has its origins in Brussels but how do we know that EU Directives get properly transposed into national law? The answer is "with great difficulty", says Chris Davies, Lib Dem environment spokesman.

3rd February 2011

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March will see government departments, agencies, emergency services, businesses and communities in England and Wales participating in one of the biggest emergency exercises ever to be staged in the UK.

3rd February 2011

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There are serious doubts that the North Sea oil industry has the capacity to effectively deal with any deepwater drilling emergency similar to last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

3rd February 2011

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Recommendations for the fourth carbon budget (2023-27) have been put forward by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) and require the UK to reduce its greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions by 60% against 1990 levels by 2030.

3rd February 2011

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Fear that changes to planning process may threaten future expansion

3rd February 2011

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Colleen Theron and Deirdre Lyons, from LexisPSL, examine Veolia ruling that scrutinises public authority audits

3rd February 2011

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Sainsbury's has announced that its 2011 annual report will also include details of its corporate responsibility (CR) performance.

3rd February 2011

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Dredging toxic sediment illegally and dumping it in an area of outstanding natural beauty has cost A&P Ports and Properties a total of £630,000.

3rd February 2011

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