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Magazine July 2014

Magazine cover artwork for Transform MagazineEnvironmentalist July 2014

Transform Magazine July 2014

Featured Magazine article

Crossing the capital

London's Crossrail project is on track to achieve its environment targets. Paul Suff finds out how

2nd July 2014

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Jen Hawkins from LexisPSL outlines a recent supreme court case that considered whether a sewerage undertaker had an implied statutory right to discharge into a private watercourse without the owner's consent.

7th August 2014

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In the aftermath of the winter floods, Simon Colvin highlights the key legal barriers organisations and individuals face when attempting to sue a regulator

7th July 2014

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By Keith Davidson, LexisPSL

7th July 2014

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Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has announced that Tata Steel has fully addressed the dust pollution that resulted in an enforcement notice being issued for the firm's Port Talbot steelworks in July 2013.

7th July 2014

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The High court has overturned a decision by the communities and local government secretary, Eric Pickles, to refuse planning permission for a 24MW solar farm at a disused airfield in Suffolk.

7th July 2014

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Discharging poorly treated effluent from a sewage treatment works in Cornwall has cost South West Water £150,000 in fines and £3,600 in costs.

7th July 2014

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More details have emerged of the review of IEMA's membership structure, announced by chief executive Tim Balcon in June's edition of the environmentalist.

7th July 2014

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Sustainability is high on the IEMA agenda, with a dedicated conference due later this year, just months after the Institute's amalgamation with the Global Association of Corporate Sustainability Officers (GACSO).

7th July 2014

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