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Magazine May 2011

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Transform Magazine May 2011

Featured Magazine article

Greenest government? First-year report

Business groups and environmentalists pass judgement on the coalition government's first 12 months in power

17th May 2011

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The UK's ability to meet its renewable energy and climate change commitments is under threat because the country is failing to attract the necessary investment, according to the CBI.

26th May 2011

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The UK scheme to reduce the amount of biodegradable waste reaching landfill sites looks set to be written off in the waste policy review when it is published by Defra this summer.

25th May 2011

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Organisations that fail to get right their first Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency (CRC) scheme report face penalties equivalent to between 5% and 11% of their energy bills, warns consultant PwC.

24th May 2011

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25 years of EIA - special report from IEMA will be launched in June

18th May 2011

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New members who have come to IEMA via a training route can now look forward to receiving a warm welcome from their Regional Steering Group (RSG).

18th May 2011

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Planning for IEMA's flagship conference of 2011 is fully underway, with speaker names and workshop titles due to be announced at the start of June.

18th May 2011

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The environmentalist's new recruitment pages have been launched

18th May 2011

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Members were notified in March that IEMA is suspending automatic distribution of the current membership card; a single act that will save thousands of sheets of partially laminated paper a year.

18th May 2011

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