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Magazine May 2019

Magazine cover artwork for Transform MagazineMay TRANSFORM front cover

Transform Magazine May 2019

Featured Magazine article

How clean are your clothes?

A 2020 target for the elimination of toxic chemicals from the fashion supply chain is fast approaching – how are businesses performing? Catherine Early investigates

3rd May 2019

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Feedback on TRANSFORM April issue.

3rd May 2019

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Rewilding efforts could transform biodiversity conservation across the world. Chris Seekings talks to Cecily Maller, Laura Mumaw and Benjamin Cooke, scientists at Australia's RMIT University, to find out more

3rd May 2019

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Tim Smedley talks to Kathryn Manning about the harmful impact air pollution has on our health and environment, and the action we can take

3rd May 2019

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The latest legislation, guidance and consultation.

3rd May 2019

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The Eurasian beaver has been reintroduced into Essex after an absence of 400 years.

3rd May 2019

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The revision of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to add a paragraph relating to shale fracking has been confirmed as unlawful.

3rd May 2019

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Severn Trent Water Limited has been sentenced for discharging thousands of gallons of raw sewage from its sewer network onto land at Sutton Park, West Midlands.

3rd May 2019

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The American Psychological Association defines the term 'eco-anxiety' as 'a chronic fear of environmental doom'.

3rd May 2019

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