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Magazine September 2013

Magazine cover artwork for Transform MagazineEnvironmentalist September 2013

Transform Magazine September 2013

Featured Magazine article

Financing savings

A lack of capital can prevent firms installing energy efficiency equipment, but there is money available. Paul Suff takes a look at some of the funding options

6th September 2013

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Following the recent high-profile protests over the environmental impacts of shale gas extraction, Paul Suff discusses the role the profession plays in such projects

10th September 2013

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Investing in parks, green roofs and river restoration can bring tangible economic benefits locally, according to a new study commissioned by Defra and Natural England

9th September 2013

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The code setting sustainability criteria for new build homes is to be scrapped in a bid to cut "red tape", the communities department has confirmed

9th September 2013

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The waste sector has criticised a consultation document from Defra setting out its proposals for a waste prevention plan (WPP) for England

9th September 2013

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Volatility in the price of raw materials is seen by multinationals as the greatest risk to their global supply chains, according to the latest research from PwC and MIT's Forum for Supply Chain Innovation

9th September 2013

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UK manufacturers can now access support for activities and operations subject to the EU REACH Regulation following the launch of a dedicated training and consultancy service by EEF

9th September 2013

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A fault at a wastewater pumping station led to numerous discharges of untreated effluent into the sea near Margate and has resulted in Southern Water being fined £200,000

9th September 2013

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Dr Diana Montgomery discusses her career and the bright future she sees ahead for the environment profession and IEMA

6th September 2013

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