Factoring Water into EIA Practice

29th November 2013

This month's EIA Quality Mark webinar will address how effects on the water environment should be taken into account in EIA. Scheme registrants, including Environ, will highlight the types of impacts that can occur from development, the legislative context that must be applied and how this can be effectively wrapped up within the wider context of an Environmental Statement.

This month's EIA Quality Mark webinar will address how effects on the water environment should be taken into account in EIA. Scheme registrants, including Environ, will highlight the types of impacts that can occur from development, the legislative context that must be applied and how this can be effectively wrapped up within the wider context of an Environmental Statement.

Effects on the water environment can take many forms from quality issues, through water resource implications to issues including flooding and drought. This webinar will present examples of the types of effects that can occur and the forms of baseline studies and assessment that will support their identification.

IEMA also hopes to incorporate a short update from the Environment Agency on their advice on Water Framework Directive assessments, which will refresh delegates on this subject initially covered in a Spring 2012 QMark webinar.

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