Natural Capital

20th March 2014

Natural capital as a topic is experiencing growing interest across governments and business alike. Developments are at an early stage but momentum is building to provide the market incentives and business support mechanisms to enable natural capital considerations to be mainstreamed in business and wider decision making. The Natural Capital Coalition and the Natural Capital Declaration (NCD) and Defra are progressing a number of key initiatives to move this agenda forward.

This webinar will provide an introduction to key developments in this field, including the objectives, timeline and next steps for developing the Natural Capital Protocol (a harmonised protocol for integrating natural capital into

business decision making). The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session.

Presenter - Dorothy Maxwell, Natural Capital Coalition

Host - Nick Blyth, IEMA Policy & Practice Lead

Republic of Ireland: Current Bog Restoration in Ireland

Our special event was hosted by the IEMA Republic of Ireland regional network, looking at bog restoration in Ireland.

29th September 2021

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How green is your site and could you make it more beneficial for your staff and nature? Our Midlands event welcomed guest speakers to discuss the importance of encouraging your workforce to engage with biodiversity in a way that deepens understanding and morale within your organisation.

27th July 2021

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How can we find solutions to the complex challenges that we, and our natural environment face? Our Wales webinar helped attendees gain insight and updates on the work of Natural Resources Wales, who have been developing a series of innovative Area Statements covering seven separate yet hugely diverse parts of the country.

7th July 2021

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IEMA Book Club returned to discuss Seeds of Science by Mark Lynas.

26th April 2021

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Our Yorkshire and Humberside coffee morning looked at an introduction to biodiversity net gain (BNG) and how a minimum 10% BNG can be achieved on new development, with real project examples in the Yorkshire region.

4th February 2021

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This digital event was run by the North Wales regional group where three organisations presented on their biodiversity work and how they assist in Wildlife Preservation in North Wales.

5th August 2020

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The event helps attendees to better understand what Natural Capital, Environmental and Biodiversity Net Gain are, providing an update on the current position with respect to the 25 year plan; introduce good practice in designing development projects to follow Biodiversity Net Gain Principles, an update on DEFRA’s new Biodiversity Metric 2.0 and emerging British Standards.

13th July 2020

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In this session we discussed biodiversity net gain and how a wide-scale conservation project is aiming to reverse the decline in farmland biodiversity in Scotland.

11th June 2020

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