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Chronic water scarcity, hydrological uncertainty, and extreme weather events (floods and droughts) are perceived as some of the biggest threats to global prosperity and stability. With water intersecting with all sections of society and industry, water security is therefore a major challenge for both governments and organisations. Environment and sustainability professionals play a key in resolving this crisis by supporting the application of circular economy principles to water management. Through its guidance, member workshops and webinars, IEMA is actively supporting the creation of institutional tools (i.e. legal and regulatory frameworks, water pricing, and incentives), technologies and information systems that will help environment and sustainability professional to better allocate, monitor and conserve water resources, creating additional value for organisations by application of circular economy principles.

Water articles

Troubled waters

Rivers and waterways across England and Wales are increasingly polluted by sewage spills. What is causing the crisis and what is being done to tackle it? Huw Morris reports

31st May 2024

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Joe Nisbet explores the challenges and opportunities of delivering marine net gain through offshore renewables

31st May 2024

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Climate change and pollution are having a devastating impact on the world’s water and freshwater ecosystems, which are worth an estimated $58trn (£48trn) in annual economic value.

16th October 2023

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Water is an increasingly stressed resource. Despite covering more than 70% of the planet, only a tiny fraction is available as fresh, clean drinking water.

28th September 2023

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The UK government and water regulators may have broken the law over untreated sewage discharges made last year, the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) has said today.

12th September 2023

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A total of 25 countries – home to a quarter of the global population – face extremely high water stress each year, regularly using up almost their entire available renewable supply.

17th August 2023

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A one-day conference, organised by community interest company Climate Action North, is showcasing some of the extensive work taking place to restore and conserve the seas and oceans.

1st August 2023

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We need to embrace the spirit of the pioneers of the water sector and planning to enable new models that challenge the status quo, says Sandra Norval

1st June 2023

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