he climate is changing, posing risk to the environment and challenging the resilience of established and new developments alike. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is designed to establish the likely significant effects of a development on the environment, both on its own and cumulatively. The question "How can EIA practice take account of this changing climate?" is one that is increasingly having to be considered by practitioners across the UK and beyond. This webinar provided attendees with an insight into IEMA’s developing EIA & Climate Change Adaptation Guidance, which is being produced with partners from the EIA Quality Mark. With presentations from the forthcoming guide’s lead author (Mott MacDonald) and a second of the author group this webinar will provide an insight into advice that will sit alongside IEMA’s existing EIA & Climate Change Adaptation Principles (October 2010), which can be downloaded here: http://www.iema.net/policy/policy/impact-assessment/eia-cc.html For those interested in this subject, IEMA’s previous webinar (May 2013) on the European Commission’s guide to Integrating Biodiversity & CC within EIA may be of interest. If you missed the webinar watch a webcast of it here: http://vimeo.com/67301930