Our latest IEMA News

5th February 2021

WATCH: IEMA's Martin Baxter gives evidence to Environment Audit Commission (EAC) Inquiry into Green Jobs

This week, IEMA's Director of Policy and External Affairs, Martin Baxter gave evidence to the Environment Audit Commission (EAC) Inquiry into Green Jobs, highlighting the need for a green jobs and skills strategy with lo...

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2nd February 2021

IEMA gives evidence to Environment Audit Commission (EAC) Inquiry into Green Jobs

Martin Baxter, IEMA’s Director of Policy and External Affairs will give evidence to the EAC (Wednesday 3 February 2021). Looking forward to his oral evidence session, Martin is clear of the need for a green jobs and skil...

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1st February 2021

IEMA reacts to the launch of ‘The Economics of Biodiversity: the Dasgupta Review'

Commenting ahead of the publication of ‘The Economics of Biodiversity: the Dasgupta Review’ (launched tomorrow 2 February 2021) – IEMA’s chief executive Sarah Mukherjee said: ‘Evidence for the disruption to our natural w...

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28th January 2021

IEMA to appear before the Environmental Audit select committee inquiry into Green Jobs

IEMA's Director of Policy and External Affairs Martin Baxter has been invited to give evidence before the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) on 3rd Feb, putting forward IEMA's response to the EAC's inquiry into green jo...

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26th January 2021

IEMA’s Chief Executive Officer Sarah Mukherjee responds to Environment Bill Delay

The Government’s announcement of a delay to the passage through Parliament of the Environment Bill, while understandable, is a significant cause for concern. The Bill is urgently needed to put in place an effective gover...

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19th January 2021

Registered Environmental Practitioner registration now live

The new Registered Environmental Practitioner (REnvP) registration has officially launched, offering new and existing IEMA members another way to showcase their expertise and skills. The REnvP designation is a new title ...

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10th December 2020

Delivering pledges to net zero essential if Paris targets to be met

IEMA’s new briefing paper outlines the need for business relevance, multiple tools, planned pathways and transparent approaches.

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9th December 2020

IEMA reacts to recommendation from the Climate Change Committee for a 78% emissions reduction for the 6th carbon budget

IEMA’s Director of Policy and External Affairs Martin Baxter responds to the recommendation from the Climate Change Committee.

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4th December 2020

IEMA’s crucial role in preparing businesses for net zero transition

A major global survey has revealed that the majority of company executives believe their businesses are ill-prepared for the transition to net zero carbon emissions.

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25th November 2020

IEMA reacts to the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement – which risks undermining commitment to tackling the climate emergency

IEMA’s Director of Policy and External Affairs Martin Baxter responds to the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement.

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