Our latest IEMA News

1st October 2010

Does mammoth ivory make ethical jewellery?

The tusks from long-dead mammoths are being presented as a more sustainable alternative to elephant ivory. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, mammoth-mining is big business in Russia. Tusks ...

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21st September 2010

IEMA Responds to Government Call for Action on Climate Change Adaptation

IEMA has recently responded to a Government call for action on climate change adaptation with consultation on draft EIA Principles. Click on the headline for more details.

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17th September 2010

Solar–powered desalination could help avoid water shortages

A new solar-powered desalination technology could help solve water shortage problems without any damage to the environment, according to researchers. They evaluated a prototype model and demonstrated that it could produc...

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17th September 2010

Global efforts halt depletion of life–preserving ozone layer, UN reports

International efforts to protect the ozone layer shielding life on Earth from harmful levels of ultraviolet rays have stopped additional ozone losses, potentially averting scores of millions of cases of skin cancer and e...

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17th September 2010

Toyota may supply Daimler with hybrid parts

Toyota Motor Corp is in talks to supply Daimler AG, the maker of Mercedes-Benz cars, with parts and technology for hybrid vehicles. Daimler approached Toyota and is looking to use the Japanese automaker's hybrid system i...

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17th September 2010

World's largest mining group calls for carbon tax in Australia

The world's biggest mining company has called for Australia to introduce a carbon tax, reopening a debate that helped to bring down the previous prime minister and pitted large sections of the mining community against th...

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17th September 2010

Global warming could cut number of Arctic hurricanes, study finds

Global warming could halve the frequency of Arctic hurricanes � extreme storms that strike the north Atlantic during winter � by 2100, according to a new study, potentially encouraging exploitation of the region's oil re...

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17th September 2010

UN and Central Asian countries agree measures to conserve antelopes

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and several governments in Central Asia and Russia have concluded an agreement on conservation measures for the migratory Saiga antelopes, whose population have been in dec...

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17th September 2010

Kia plan 2,500 electric vehicles by 2012

Kia Motors, South Korea's No.2 carmaker, plans to produce 2,000 units of its new electric vehicles by 2012, an executive at its affiliate Hyundai Motor said.

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17th September 2010

Peru's wells sucked dry by British love of asparagus

Asparagus grown in Peru and sold in the UK is commonly held up as a symbol of unacceptable food miles, but a report has raised an even more urgent problem: its water footprint.

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