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17th December 2007

'Urgent action' needed on floods

Planning for flooding should have the same priority as terrorism or flu prevention, the independent reviewer into the summer floods says.

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17th December 2007

2007: worst year for the environment

As the politiicans in Bali debate how to deal with climate change, scientists on the other side of the world were reporting ever more devastating impacts from global warming.

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17th December 2007

Adaptation is best option on climate change

Government officials from around the world have been on the Indonesian resort island of Bali for two weeks of climate negotiations since December 3. The talk is of a new Kyoto-like treaty, with global caps on emissions o...

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17th December 2007

Malaria Climbs Into Warmer Highlands

In one New Guinea hilltop village the message was rooted deep in lore: If you hunt in the valley below and sleep there overnight, evil spirits will possess you, you'll become sick, and you'll die.

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17th December 2007

Britain's carbon strategy 'up in smoke'

Britain's plans to build new coal-fired power stations as part of the country's efforts to address its looming energy crisis will completely undermine the Bali agreement on climate change and discredit Gordon Brown's com...

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17th December 2007

Livingstone Launches Green500

The Green500 was launched on 11th December by the Mayor of London Ken Livingstone at the Building Centre near Goodge Street.

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5th December 2007

Greenpeace Targets 'Lads' Through Viral Advertising

Greenpeace is making its first attempt to get lads to go eco-friendly with a risqu� viral ad featuring men and women who literally have light shining out of their rear ends.

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5th December 2007

Governments Must Say No to 'Biofuels'

Biofuels must not be promoted as a solution to climate change, Friends of the Earth International said today, just a few days before key United Nations climate change talks start in Bali, Indonesia.

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5th December 2007

Google investing hundreds of millions in green energy

Google announced it will invest hundreds of millions of dollars in ways to make "green" energy less costly than that from pollution-spewing coal.

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5th December 2007

London 2012 Unveils Sustainability Plan

London 2012 unveiled its sustainability plan Monday - Towards A One Planet 2012 - intended to be a wide-ranging look at how London 2012 is ensuring that all aspects of its preparation and staging of the Games are underta...

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