Our latest News

2nd February 2018

Sustainability Savings Could Unlock Efficiencies in the Justice System

IEMA’s Chief Policy Advisor blogs about “huge potential to improve energy efficiency, cut down waste and reduce GHGs”.

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11th January 2018

25 Year Environment Plan: All The Right Moves, But Needs Teeth to Work

IEMA has responded to the UK Government’s launch of the 25 Year Plan for the Environment.

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13th December 2017

More Practical Guidance Needed to "Join the Dots" Between Sustainable Development Goals and Business Practice

IEMA Launches New Change Management for Sustainable Development Guide to Support Delivery of SDGs

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1st December 2017

La PAGE Original: Explore the Accessibility and Benefits of EMAS for Small Companies

The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary initiative designed to improve companies’ environmental performance.

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22nd November 2017

Budget 2017: Ill-aligned Moves and Missed Opportunities

A response to today’s 2017 UK Budget from Martin Baxter, IEMA’s Chief Policy Advisor says more clarity is needed on key areas.

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17th November 2017

International Standards Provide Essential Support for Non-State Actors Achieving Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals, Says IEMA

Today’s COP23 UNFCCC side event to focus on the role of standards and accreditation to support non-state actors in contributing to achieving Paris Agreement and UN SDGs

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9th November 2017

International Standards Key to Operational Success of the Paris Accord, Says IEMA

IEMA, live from COP23, says urgent action is required to reduce carbon emissions and boost resilience through international standards and accreditation

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12th October 2017

IEMA Welcomes "Long Awaited" Clean Growth Plan

Publication of UK Government’s new plan shows encouraging signs of providing certainty, says IEMA – but could do better.

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11th October 2017

UK Must Capitalise on Golden Opportunity to Deliver Future-Fit Infrastructure and Build Sustainability Skills

New IEMA report published today outlines the critical challenges and exciting opportunities of the new Golden Age of Infrastructure

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3rd October 2017

Brexit and Beyond: Environmental Principles to Guide a Sustainable Future

IEMA’s new guiding principles for protecting and enhancing UK’s environment following withdrawal from Europe published today

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