Our latest News

3rd November 2015

Latest Member Upgrades Revealed

Eighty Four Members are currently celebrating that they have been successful in achieving their goal to upgrade their Membership to one of IEMA’s Professional levels. IEMA would like to congratulate each and every one of...

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30th September 2015

Growing the Voice: IEMA's September Media Coverage Revealed

With the publication of the revised version of ISO 14001 standard and continued interest in the institute’s Career Change of Choice campaign, September has been a busy media month for IEMA. Here is where IEMA has had c...

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24th September 2015

Latest ISO 14001 Data Shows 7% Global Growth

Data released today on the uptake of the international Environmental Management Systems standard ISO 14001 shows that the number of certificates issued worldwide has grown 7% in just one year. The worldwide total of cert...

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15th September 2015

Business Set to Benefit from Radical Improvement to Global Environmental Standard

Businesses around the globe have the opportunity to significantly enhance their performance from today, with the publication of a new international standard that places the environment at the heart of business strategy. ...

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6th August 2015

Tim Balcon’s Latest Blog No Time for Deliberation

You told me when I first joined IEMA that you wanted your institute to have a higher profile and to be more impactful. We are making strong headway but we still have a way to go. But I need you to all do your bit as toge...

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13th July 2015

Three Weeks To Go: Your New Way to Pay

With just three weeks to go before our new online payment portal launches, here’s a reminder of why Direct Debit is the best way to pay. Did you know that if every IEMA Member renewed by Direct Debit, every year we wo...

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10th July 2015

IEMA Says Sustainability Skills is Key Issue for Chancellor's Productivity Plan

As the UK Treasury today published its landmark Productivity report, IEMA offered words of welcome for Government’s ambition to place skills at the centre of the plan. However, the institute also voiced concern on seve...

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8th July 2015

IEMA Summer Budget Reaction: 'This is far from a green budget'

Reacting the delivery of the UK Summer Budget by Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, IEMA’s Nick Blyth said: “IEMA supports the clear commitment from the UK Government to push for a global climate deal that keep...

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7th July 2015

Budget 2015: IEMA Urges Chancellor to Address Carbon Policies and Climate Leadership in Budget

Ahead of tomorrow’s Budget, IEMA has called for “a budget that will provide strong commitments and demonstrate climate leadership” from the Chancellor George Osborne. IEMA’s Lead on Climate Change Nick Blyth said today: ...

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6th July 2015

Latest Member Upgrades Announced

Associate (AIEMA) Clive Lamb, Contract Fire Security Claire Richardson Jamie Trybus, EC Harris LLP David Burke, Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations S.A Matthew Shepherd, Waterman Energy Environment and Design Ltd Hanna...

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