Our latest IEMA News

31st May 2017

New Circular Economy Standard Marks “Perfect Opportunity” For Organisations to Improve Sustainability Performance

BS 8001 - the world’s first standard for implementing circular economy principles – launches today with member discount.

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16th May 2017

IEMA Welcomes Arrival of EIA Directive Changes in UK Law

2014 amendments come into force today across UK. New EIA guidance launched today to support profession’s understanding

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5th May 2017

Widespread Concern on Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Standards Post Brexit

97% of Environment and Sustainability Professionals call for Government to prioritise resolving environmental, health and well-being effects linked to air pollution

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18th April 2017

Sustainability and Skills “Critical” to Success of UK’s Industrial Strategy, says IEMA

Sustainability skills, low carbon, resource efficiency and resilience need to underpin UK’s industrial future

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10th April 2017

Sustainability Influencer Named as Head of Profession’s Leading Standards Council

Shaun McCarthy OBE begins work as Chair of IEMA’s Professional Standards Committee

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29th March 2017

Defining Moment for UK Environment and Sustainability

High Environmental and Sustainability Standards Must Underpin the UK’s Future Outside the European Union

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23rd March 2017

Happy at Work, Pleased with Pay and Positive Prospects: The Story of Environment & Sustainability Work in 2017

New survey results show Environment and Sustainability professionals continue to be among the happiest workers.

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22nd March 2017

Record £20 Million Pollution Fine Highlights Court Powers to Impact Shareholders

Court judgement highlights management failures to ensure regulatory compliance

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21st March 2017