Our latest IEMA News

4th August 2016

IEMA’s Month in the Media

Here is the full list of July’s coverage. Click each link to read the articles and see how IEMA is working to raise the profile of yourviews in the media.

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12th July 2016

Core Cities and IEMA call for urgent, renewed partnership with Government to prepare for climate change

With Core Cities, we’re calling for continued investment in preparing for climate change.

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5th July 2016

24th June 2016

IEMA reacts to Britain’s decision to exit the European Union.

IEMA’s chief Policy Advisor gives a statement on the result of the EU referendum result

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22nd June 2016

Environment & Sustainability Professionals Reveal Top 10 Views on “Brexit”

IEMA members identify key environmental risks and opportunities ahead of polls opening tomorrow.

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9th June 2016

Members say Voters Have Insufficient Information to Take Environment and Sustainability into Account in Referendum

Our third and final EU referendum poll shows 86% of members believe that voters have insufficient information to be able to take environment and sustainability issues into account when they cast their vote.

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3rd June 2016

Member Views Making Headlines

Click to see the extensive range of media coverage IEMA generated during May.

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25th May 2016

Environment Risks Downgrade in Infrastructure Decision Making if UK Leaves EU, Say IEMA Members

89% believe efforts to halt and reverse UK biodiversity loss are best addressed within or aligned to EU policy frameworks

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18th May 2016

Business Opportunity Revealed: Growing Sustainability Profession Central to Future Fit Business Models

New IEMA report warns that global megatrends will limit businesses that fail to adapt

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