Our latest IEMA News

18th December 2004

ISO14001 – Revised Standards – Now Available

The revised environmental management standards can now be purchased on the Institute's web site at http://www.iema.net/shop Discounts are available to IEMA members and non-members.

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19th October 2004

IEMA Elections 2004 – Results Matrix

The results matrix for the 2004 IEMA elections has been published.

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3rd October 2004

Chartered Environmentalist

Following an evaluation and report by independent auditors, the IEMA is proud to announce that SocEnv have awarded them the "Chartered Environmentalist" licence (CEnv).

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22nd August 2004

Reading Room

The 'Reading Room' is now available. It contains a small selection of articles, case studies, e-briefings and law bulletins. Over time the content will grow to provide a wide range of reading materials. To visit the s...

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5th August 2004

CEnv: what it means for IEMA Members

The IEMA has started to process applications for the Chartered Environmentalist qualification, but CEnv cannot be awarded until the Society for the Environment has received the Royal Charter and the IEMA has achieved its...

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16th June 2004

Your Institute Needs You!

Dear Colleague, Your Institute Needs You! 2004 is an election year for the Institute when every Member has the right and opportunity to stand for election for one of the Regional Steering groups or as a Sector represen...

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16th June 2004

SocEnv appoints first Chief Executive Officer

The Society for the Environment has followed quickly on from the grant of its Petition for a Royal Charter (6 May 2004) with the appointment of its first Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Tim Bines1. Dr. Bines will lead SocE...

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31st March 2004

CEnv update

The Society for the Environment (SocEnv) continues to attract great support from key players and organisations in the environment sector and from members of the constituent bodies of the Society.

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5th January 2004

Having File Download Problems?

We are aware that some visitors and members are having difficulty downloading certain files from this site at certain times. Files get truncated (only half downloaded) and so appear corrupted when they are opened. Some u...

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17th November 2003

ET2004 & EMF

REGISTER NOW for ET2004, the UK's largest environmental technology & management services exhibition, 30 March - 1 April 2004, NEC, Birmingham,

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