Our latest IEMA News

6th April 2005

Reducing Wales' Ecological Footprint

The Stockholm Environment Institute, in partnership with WWF-Cymru have launched their latest Sustainable Consumption report titled Reducing Wales Ecological Footprint: A Resource Accounting Tool for Sustainable Consumpt...

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6th April 2005

Hybrid's Good for Pocket and Environment

With soaring gas prices, more people may be turning to hybrid cars. The Sierra Club says hybrid cars are not just great for fuel efficiency, they also improve air quality.

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6th April 2005

River dolphins in freshwater battle against extinction, WWF warns

On the eve of World Water Day, WWF warns that Asia's river dolphin populations are in severe decline due to polluted waters, dams and entanglement in fishing nets and has launched an initiative to save some of the world'...

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6th April 2005

Large indigenous territories receive protection in Peru

The Peruvian Government today announced the creation of one of the largest combined protected areas and indigenous territories in the world. WWF, which has been involved in the establishment of the 2.7 million-hectare Al...

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6th April 2005

Millenium Ecosystem Assessment – Main Findings and Reaction

United Nations goals to halve poverty and hunger by 2015 will not be met, and hunger and malnutrition will remain problem even in 2050 unless governments pay greater attention to what nature does for humanity, says a UN ...

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2nd April 2005

Can sustainability form the basis of a marketing platform?

A report prepared by MPG International for UNEP and sponsored by the World Association of Research Professionals (ESOMAR) reviews the marketing and communications basics and evaluates how the objectives of sustainability...

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2nd April 2005

Renewables Obligation Consultation

The DTI has published a consultation paper on the renewables obligation. Of particular interest in the consultation is the consideration for bringing energy generated from mixed wastes into the scheme.

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19th March 2005

Have your say on IEMA's Training Strategy

IEMA is inviting feedback on its new training strategy that will be implemented over the next 18 months. Whether you are a training organisation wanting to comment on the future direction of IEMA training, an employer w...

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25th February 2005

Call For Papers

The IEMA (institute of Environmental Management and Assessment), BNES YGN (British Nuclear Energy Society, Young Generation Network), SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) and UKAEA (The United Kingdom Atomic E...

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12th January 2005

IEMA @ ET2005

The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) will once again host a day of seminars at the Environmental Technology 2005 Event (ET 2005) 24 - 26 May 2005, the principal event for the UK's senior decisi...

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