Our latest Blog

26th April 2023

IEMA responds to the Office of Environmental Protection Call for Evidence: Protected Sites for Nature in England and Northern Ireland

In February the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) launched a call for evidence on protected sites for nature in England and Northern Ireland. The consultation considered specifically SSSIs, SACs and SPAs and aske...

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26th April 2023

New guidance launched to help local authorities on their journey to net zero

IEMA has produced a new toolkit for local authorities: Practical steps for decarbonising local plans. Project lead Chloë Fiddy explains why this guidance is both timely and needed.

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24th April 2023

IEMA members discuss net zero with the Shadow Climate Change Minister

IEMA members and other expert stakeholders were joined on an online roundtable today (24.04.23) by the Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Net Zero - Kerry McCarthy MP - to discuss the challenges and opportunities for...

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24th April 2023

Making every day Earth Day

Earth Day 2023’s theme is ‘Invest in our planet’, with a focus on ‘engaging governments, institutions, businesses, and the more than 1 billion individuals who participate annually in Earth Day to do their part – everyone...

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7th April 2023

The quietening of sustainability

In this special guest blog, IEMA member Sally Annett, Marketing Manager for Interact discusses how many organisations are choosing not to publicise details of their sustainability targets, to avoid allegations of greenwa...

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6th April 2023

Associated British Ports partners with IEMA and launches sustainability strategy

IEMA was pleased to welcome ABP as its first partner in the ports sector earlier in 2023. ABP owns and operates 21 ports in the UK, supporting over 100,000 jobs, and says it contributes £7.5 billion to the economy. IEMA'...

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5th April 2023

IEMA responds to Defra’s consultation on the strategy for the fourth round of adaptation reporting - April 2023

Chloë Fiddy, IEMA’s policy and engagement lead for climate change and energy provides this short explainer on the Adaptation Reporting Power and an update on IEMA’s consultation response.

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3rd April 2023

UK environmental policy digest – March 2023

Asim Ali, IEMA's Public Affairs Officer, looks at some of the key policy announcements from UK government during March and their implications for the decarbonisation and wider environmental sustainability agenda.

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30th March 2023

Government sets out new strategy for the net zero transition

Green Day is here! Not the American rock band, but the widely anticipated suite of announcements from the government on the transition to net zero. Do they deliver? Chloë Fiddy, IEMA’s policy and engagement lead for clim...

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28th March 2023

Task Force for Nature-Related Financial Disclosure (TNFD) beta v.0.4 released

Today, beta v.0.4 of the TNFD Risk and Opportunity Framework was released. This is the last draft that will be available for consultation before the launch of the final TNFD document in September 2023. IEMA’s Policy and ...

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