Our latest Blog

8th February 2023

IA Outlook Journal Volume 15: Public Participation, Stakeholder Engagement and Impact Assessment - February 2023

Guest Editor of the IEMA Outlook Journal Volume 15, Tanya Burdett discusses the latest journal and how building improved engagement practice in EIA and IA more broadly is so important.

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26th January 2023

Baroness Young discusses environmental targets and governance with IEMA

A group of IEMA members and other expert stakeholders gathered for a roundtable this morning to discuss England’s long-term environmental targets framework and the need for a robust governance regime to support it. The r...

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19th January 2023

Have your say on the future purpose of IEMA

IEMA will soon be celebrating its 25th anniversary, following the merger of the Institute of Environmental Assessment (IEA), the Institution of Environmental Management (IEM) and the Environmental Auditors Registration ...

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16th January 2023

Defra publishes plans to ban commonly littered single-use plastic items in England

The government has published plans to ban commonly littered single-use plastic items, supporting their 25-year Environment Plan and the steps needed to eliminate avoidable plastic waste by 2042. In this blog IEMA’s circu...

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13th January 2023

IEMA’s thoughts on the net zero transition following the publication of the Skidmore Review

The Skidmore Review of the UK’s net zero strategy has now been published. Chloë Fiddy, IEMA’s Policy and Engagement lead on climate issues, takes a look at its key findings and what the government must do next in this sh...

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5th January 2023

IEMA reacts to Environmental Audit Committee report on energy security

The UK Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) – a select committee of cross-party MPs – has called on the government to start a “national war effort on energy saving and efficiency”, and IEMA has said more must...

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20th December 2022

COP 15 ends with a new set of biodiversity targets and a positive way forward

COP 15, the UN Biodiversity Conference, has now concluded and in this blog, Lesley Wilson, the biodiversity and natural capital policy lead at IEMA, discusses the outcomes of the event.

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19th December 2022

Key considerations for developing a resource productivity target for England

IEMA is this afternoon publishing a paper setting out several recommendations for government in the development of a resource productivity target for England. In this short blog Adam Batchelor, IEMA’s policy lead on circ...

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16th December 2022

Nature Positive by 2030: one member's experience at COP15

IEMA member Damien Plant FIEMA recently attended events at COP 15 in Montreal, Canada and shares their experiences.

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14th December 2022

How to be a ‘Sustainable Santa’ this Christmas

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but can also be one of the messiest - in more ways than one! A key issue is the waste produced from present wrapping, decorating and knowing what can and can’t be recycle...

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