Our latest Blog

4th September 2020

Starting a new chapter

IEMA's Director of Commercial Marketing Toby Shaw reflects on the journey that brought him to IEMA and his aspirations for the future, as IEMA continues to inspire and help people work together to transform the world to ...

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27th August 2020

2020 Employer Forum Update

Corporate Partnerships Manager Alan Darby reflects on the positive takeaways from the last employer forum and how the virtual format has allowed us to hear from more partners than ever before and see new connections bein...

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24th August 2020

Making an impact as sustainability professionals

Amanda Visser MIEMA CEnv discusses how all sustainability professionals share a desire to do things better than before and how becoming a Chartered Environmentalist was part of that journey her professional development.

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19th August 2020

Overheating risk in social housing

Richard Lupo MIEMA CEnv explores the dangers of overheating as a result of climate change.

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19th August 2020

Common pitfalls to avoid with Carbon Reporting

Anna-Lisa Mills FIEMA CEnv details the many drivers for carbon reporting. Whether it’s for legal compliance reasons (such as the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations1), to meet investor or stakehold...

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19th August 2020

The future of carbon pricing in the UK

After a long wait the UK government has finally published its plan following a consultation on the direction that carbon pricing in the UK should take following Brexit: it outlines provisions for both a UK Emissions Trad...

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7th August 2020

IEMA's Impact Assessment Network

Impact Assessment (IA) is an environment and sustainability discipline. Its purpose is to ensure that environmental and social issues are identified and can be factored into the decision-making processes. At its best, IA...

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28th July 2020

Climate Change Transitions – Professional challenges and the need to mainstream

IEMA Policy and Engagement Lead Nick Blyth reflects on the launch of new ISO Guide 84 Guidelines for addressing climate change in standards.

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22nd July 2020

Take climate action: key points from the IEMA Climate Change Series

Business as usual is no longer applicable with the whole world facing a climate and environmental emergency. As practitioners, IEMA members are perfectly positioned to drive transformational change, reduce emissions and ...

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20th July 2020

Working from home: IEMA employee experience

Back in Feb 2020 I celebrated 27 years working for IEMA (and its predecessors) – who would have thought that within a matter of a few short weeks the world would have changed so dramatically. My roles at IEMA have been m...

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