Our latest Blog

21st October 2019

Royal BAM Group's Carbon Commitments

Read about how BAM Construct UK gained the approval of the Science Based Targets Initiative for their 50% reduction in emissions by 2030.

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21st October 2019

Liberty Speciality Steels begins studies into waste heat recovery potential

Assessment of the potential for heat recovery commenced in June following the award of a 110,000 grant from the UK Government Industrial Heat Recovery Support (IHRS) programme.

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21st October 2019

Ban beef - go vegan - save the planet!?

In the face of global warming and environmental degradation hallengeswe face, food is a significant part of the problem and, yes, generally we consume too much meat. But, Dave Stanley suggests that the challenge goes wi...

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17th October 2019

Cooling by Nature: Lessons from History

Throughout history, humanity has turned to cooling solutions that work in concert with nature. Returning to these roots would not only be good for the environment it can also help to beautify our urban sprawl.

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30th August 2019

Richard Holmes: Am I doing enough for climate activism?

The increasing profile of climate activism led by Extinction Rebellion and Greta Thunberg prompted Richard Holmes to wonder how many IEMA network members were involved in direct action or political campaigning.

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30th August 2019

Zero Carbon Buildings 101

We would all like to live in a zero carbon house, but how is that achieved? Read the article at the bottom of the newsletter for a brief guide to zero carbon building and an example of a new development in Corby ticking...

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30th August 2019

A personal account of Eco-Anxiety and Climate Emergency declaration by James Dixon FIEMA CEnv, Head of Sustainability at Newcastle Hospitals

In June 2019 Newcastle upon Tyne Hospital was the first (and, to date, only) NHS Trust to officially declare a climate emergency, and to commit to being Zero Carbon by 2040.

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14th August 2019

The Year of Green Action 2019

We know from recent Ipso Mori polls that the environment is for the first time considered by the public to be one of the top 3 priorities for government, and we have an opportunity, through YoGA engagement, to offer ways...

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6th August 2019

UK Government Confirms Intention to Introduce EPR and DRS systems in 2023 subject to Primary Powers in the Environment Bill

Last week, the UK government published summaries of responses to its first consultations proposed in the Resources and Waste Strategy. The consultations generated a high level of engagement, including from IEMA which sub...

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22nd July 2019

Communicating Climate Impacts

Even if we stopped emitting all greenhouse gases today, climate change will continue to affect us and future generations, with some significant changes ocked in Future generations are also facing far smaller personal arb...

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