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5th May 2009

Low Carbon Industrial Strategy : A Vision

The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) is currently preparing a Low Carbon Industrial Strategy, and as part of the stakeholder engagement process, has launched an interactive website and onl...

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5th May 2009

Carbon Emissions Trading Map

Each year, approximately 1000 UK installations currently in the EU emissions trading scheme emit over 250 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, accounting for around half of the UK's contribution to global warming.

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5th May 2009

Life Funding Tackling Mitigation and Adaptation

Climate change is now a very real fact of life across the EU and a wide variety of different LIFE projects have been actively working on ways to both mitigate the effects of climate change, and to help the EU adapt to it...

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5th May 2009

Croatia Plans for Climate Change

Drier weather patterns are a common effect of climate change in the EU candidate countries and a successful LIFE TCY project has helped Croatian authorities to implement important international climate change protocols.

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5th May 2009

Prospects for creating jobs from offshore wind in the UK – IPPR

As unemployment in the UK continues to increase with the global recession, it is only natural to look for opportunities to create new jobs. At the same time, the imperative to tackle climate change and drastically reduce...

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5th May 2009

Maldives Aims for Carbon Neutral

The Maldives, one of the countries most affected by climate change, has joined a United Nations Environment Programme initiative which promotes the global transition to low-carbon economies and societies.

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5th May 2009

Recycled water is safe to use in household washing machines

Water shortages, aggravated by climate change, are likely to increase in the future. Significant savings in drinking-quality water could be made if recycled water was used for household laundry.

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5th May 2009

NOx road transport measures in Europe have been effective

Policies introduced across Europe to reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from road transport have been effective, despite an increase in vehicle fuel consumption between 1990 and 2005, according to a new study.

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5th May 2009

Social barriers to climate change adaptation

Barriers to climate change adaptation are often considered to be ecological, economical, physical or technological. But a recent analysis argues that there are also significant social barriers.

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5th May 2009

Biogas from Sanitation – Life Funding

LIFE environment funds have been applied to help increase knowledge about new sanitation technologies that can separate domestic waste elements for reuse as potential fertiliser products and biogas.

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