Our latest News

30th March 2009

Sustainable Development & Young People – Sustainable Development Commission Report

In this report, the Sustainable Development Commission emphasises that 21st century policies for young people must take account of the challenges ahead and be conscious of their impact on both local and global communitie...

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30th March 2009

Risks of Climate Change: Green Alliance Report

In the run up to the 2009 budget, Green Alliance has asked five leading commentators to explain how they see the risks of climate change and to set out why these are risks we cannot afford to take.

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30th March 2009

Carbon Trust Report – What Works to Cut Global Emissions?

This report argues that, whilst the global carbon mechanisms have succeeded in channelling billions of Euros towards low-carbon investments in developing countries, they cannot deliver what is needed in the future witho...

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27th February 2009

Heat Waves and Extreme Drought Will Increase with Climate Change

The severe drought and searing heat that recently allowed wildfires to char much of Australia will oppress wide swathes of the earth with increasing frequency this century, according to a forecast by scientists who met ...

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27th February 2009

Insurers call for action on adaptation.

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has launched a new research report on climate change, flood risk, new building developments and insurance.

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27th February 2009

Doncaster Anaerobic Digestion: Approval for green energy plant

A �12m green energy plant that will generate enough electricity for 4,000 homes is to be built in a South Yorkshire town.

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27th February 2009

Green Well Fair : Three Economics for Social Justice

This paper by the New Economics Foundation (nef) aims to explore how we can forge a fairer and more equal society to meet the challenges of the twenty- first century, and why fairness and equality matter when it comes to...

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27th February 2009

Adaptation Manual from Earthscan

While mitigation is essential to reduce the future severity of climate change, it will take time and some effects will inevitably continue for centuries.

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27th February 2009

Weadapt Network – Googling Adaptation

The Stockholm Environment Institute, as part of the weADAPT network, is working with Google Earth to map worldwide climate adaptation work onto Google maps.

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27th February 2009

Wind power comes out top in review of alternative energy sources

A new study ranks alternative energy sources in terms of their overall impact on the environment and human health. The report offers guidance for policy makers making decisions on which emerging technologies to support.

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