Our latest News

23rd October 2008

Warmer seas cause stronger cyclones

A new study suggests that the strongest Atlantic tropical cyclones are in fact becoming stronger and that this is related to rising sea temperatures as a result of global warming.

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23rd October 2008

Increasing the contribution from renewable energy sources

In many European countries, electricity from renewable sources has a low market share. In order to increase this share, the generators of renewable energy should not be burdened with the full risk of market and grid conn...

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23rd October 2008

Coal power plants to face ban from 2015

Conventional coal-fired power stations will be banned from 2015 under proposals backed by the European Parliament this week.

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23rd October 2008

Wind sector stands by community cash

Wind farm developers have rebuffed claims that making payments to communities that host their projects threatens the planning system.

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23rd October 2008

Climate Change Adaptation – Needed in National Planning Policy

The Landscape Institute has called for climate change adaptation to be included in national planning policy.

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23rd October 2008

Hydrogen Demo Opens at University of Glamorgan

A new �2.2 million hydrogen research and demonstration centre has opened at the University of Glamorgan near Swansea, which aims to demonstrate the viability and safety of producing hydrogen from indigenous renewable res...

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23rd October 2008

Council calls for 80 per cent cut in domestic carbon emissions

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has told the government that it must cut domestic carbon emissions at least 80 per cent by 2050.

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23rd October 2008

Britain leads the world on wind power

Britain was today declared a world leader in wind power generation, as the Government announced a major programme to cut the cost of off-shore wind farms.

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23rd October 2008

Lethal build–up of ozone poses threat to UK

Lethal build-up of ozone poses threat to UK Scientists call for global measures amid warnings that the gas damages health and the environment.

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23rd October 2008

Are rising costs making more people go green?

As energy bills continue to soar, it seems that more people now realise that going green is a great way to save money, as well as save the planet.

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