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9th October 2008

Credit Crunch Stimulus for Investment in Alternatives to Carbon

Lord Stern of Brentford has suggested the credit crunch might provide an opportunity to invest in measures to tackle global warming as a way of stimulating economic growth.

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9th October 2008

British Waterways unveils renewables plan

British Waterways has announced plans to generate renewable energy at canal and riverside locations across the UK.

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9th October 2008

Gordon Brown's new climate change targets

Yesterday, at the Labour Party conference Prime Minister Gordon Brown made clear that he wants the current target of a 60% cut in CO2 by 2050 raised to 80 per cent.

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9th October 2008

Public building CO2 footprints revealed – including Downing Street

Downing St, the home of Gordon Brown, has achieved only an energy efficiency rating of D with annual C02 emissions of 675 tonnes of carbon.

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9th October 2008

Energy Performance Directive – Not a Success say LG

The EC's Energy Performance Directive is one of the least successful pieces of legislation ever introduced, according to leading business law firm LG.

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9th October 2008

Staying on course in a tougher climate

Concerns over climate change have not been at the forefront of most chief executives' minds in recent weeks: the financial crisis and economic downturn have eclipsed all other issues.

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25th September 2008

US elections: Barack Obama and John McCain on climate change, energy and science

To find out where Republicans and Democrats stand Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain were invited by Nature magazine to answer a range of questions on science, energy and climate change.

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25th September 2008

Carbon capture stations must not be delayed, Lord Rees

Despite the economic downturn and rising prices, global energy demand continues to rise; so do carbon emissions.

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25th September 2008

London Struggling to Meet Air Quality Objectives

The Campaign for Clean Air in London has released maps obtained from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs showing that 40 kilometres of roads across 13 London boroughs are expected to breach EU laws o...

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25th September 2008

Expanding anaerobic digestion plants in the UK: the challenges of perception and planning

With the planned expansion of anaerobic digestion (AD) plants as one strategy in the UK's Energy Policy, this paper explores the social implications that this is likely to have on local communities.

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