Our latest News

25th September 2008

Phase out Coal and Burn Trees

Humanity must urgently embark on a massive programme to power civilisation from wood to stave off catastrophic climate change, one of the world's top scientists has told The Independent on Sunday.

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25th September 2008

3,500 MW of Green Power in India, China to be Developed by Suzlon Green Power

One of the commitments made at this year's Clinton Global Initiative's annual meeting is one with significant implications for the development of renewable energy in the developing world.

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11th September 2008

'Extreme waves' worry Australia

Australia's coastline is increasingly being battered by extreme waves that are driven in part by climate change, government scientists say.

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11th September 2008

UK gives Bangladesh climate help

The UK is giving �75m ($133m) to Bangladesh to help it prepare for the impacts of climate change, the government has announced.

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11th September 2008

Climate change: Strong public support for EU policies on climate change

Europeans are highly concerned about climate change and clearly willing to take action against it. A majority of Europeans believes that the European Union's targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and increas...

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11th September 2008

White roofs combat climate change

Making roofs and pavements in the worlds 100 largest cities white would have a significant impact on combating climate change, according to new research.

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11th September 2008

Johnson outlines city strategy in response to climate change

London mayor Boris Johnson has pledged to increase the amount of green space in the capital to keep it cool during summer as part of a series of climate change measures.

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8th September 2008

Germany leads 'clean coal' pilot

Beneath the gargantuan grey boiler towers of Schwarze Pumpe power station which pierce the skies of northern Germany, a Lilliputian puzzle of metal boxes and shining canisters is about to mark a moment of industrial hist...

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8th September 2008

Consultation on London's Draft Climate Adaptation Strategy

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has launched a consultation on London's draft adaptation strategy, which identifies the key climate change-related risks to London and prioritises the actions necessary to manage those...

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8th September 2008

The Grott Box – Waste Food Solution?

The National Industrial Symbiosis Programme member Angelheart Inc has developed 'The Grott Box' - a patent pending compostable caddy. The container is a cardboard box which features a biodegradable wax layer on the insi...

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