Our latest News

14th February 2008

New Report: The Health Effects of Climate Change in the UK

The risk of a fatal heatwave in the UK within ten years is high, but overall global warming may mean fewer deaths due to temperature, a report says.

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14th February 2008

All–Hybrid Taxicab Fleet Begins Operations In Washington D.C.

EnviroCAB, which says it runs the nation's first all-hybrid taxicab fleet, opened for business in greater Washington, D.C. today with a fleet of hybrid Toyota Priuses, Camrys and Highlanders and Ford Escapes.

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14th February 2008

King penguin faces extinction due to climate change

The prospect that the King penguin will go extinct as a result of climate warming is rising inexorably, scientists say today.

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14th February 2008

Flood–risk homes 'may be uninsurable'

Many new homes could be uninsurable and unsellable unless the government introduces tougher planning controls, the insurance industry warned today.

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31st January 2008

UK greenhouse gases down by 0.5%, figures show

Greenhouse gas emissions fell by 0.5% in the UK last year, new figures showed today.

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31st January 2008

Peak's Peat CO2 Impact

Bales of heather fell from the sky onto a peat plateau in the Peak District yesterday, in the latest attempt to halt what scientists believe is a dangerous emitter of carbon dioxide.

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29th January 2008

Pew Centre's Response to Bush's State of the Union Address

Statement of Eileen Claussen, President, Pew Center on Global Climate Change writes: President Bush's proposal tonight to invest $2 billion to deploy clean energy technologies in developing countries is a step in the rig...

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28th January 2008

Public Not Confident That International Leaders Can Reach Climate Deal

As the World's leaders head into a final week of negotiations in Bali to discuss the framework for international efforts to address climate change, new research by Ipsos MORI reveals that around six in ten (61%) of the B...

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28th January 2008

Attitudes to Nuclear Energy

A new Ipsos MORI survey of public attitudes to the nuclear energy industry on behalf of the Nuclear Industry Association shows the industry to be favourably regarded on balance, a stark contrast with the position just fi...

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27th January 2008

Severn Tidal Power Feasibility Study Announced

The potential for tidal power from the Severn Estuary to provide low-carbon, renewable electricity was highlighted yesterday by Energy Secretary, John Hutton, with the publication of the terms of reference for the Govern...

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