Our latest News

29th February 2008

Irish Government 'must act' to avoid waste fines

Ireland lacks the infrastructure to deal with its biodegradable waste and risks being fined �270 million a year by the European Union, a report has warned.

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29th February 2008

'Greenagers' Want Climate Change Action

British children, well versed in the effects of climate change, are putting pressure on older generations to act now to halt environmental decline.

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29th February 2008

Scotland to get its first carbon neutral eco–town

Being environmentally friendly has seeped into every pore of society; and with Scotland's first eco-town in the pipeline, the "greenwash" backlash is beginning to bite.

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29th February 2008

£400 million for low–carbon Britain – Defra

Setting out details of Defra's 2008/09 budget settlement, Hilary Benn has announced an increase in funding for clean energy technologies, investments and enterprises to over £400 million over the next three years.

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29th February 2008

13 Nations, Cities and Companies Pledge Emission Cuts

Four countries, four cities and five corporations have become the first to sign on to a new United Nations Internet-based scheme in a bid to hasten climate neutrality.

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29th February 2008

Melbourne : Congestion tax back on agenda

A congestion levy is being considered by the state's transport experts to remedy Melbourne's traffic woes and reduce its carbon footprint � just 12 months after Premier John Brumby ruled out a similar study.

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29th February 2008

China imposes green policy on companies

Beijing has put into effect a ''green securities'' plan aimed at making it harder for companies that pollute heavily to raise capital and requiring listed companies to disclose more information about their environmental ...

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14th February 2008

Urban trees improve air quality

Planting trees in urban areas could cut particulate pollution in cities by as much as a quarter, according to a new study.

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14th February 2008

Fast food industry falling short on recycling targets

European laws aim to ensure that 60 per cent of packaging waste is recycled by the end of 2008. But in the fast food industry, the majority of packaging still ends up in landfill sites, although the materials - mainly ...

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14th February 2008

UK Higher Education Body Must be a Catalyst for Change

Report calls for HEFCE to be the catalyst and facilitator for sustainable development A review of sustainable development in the higher education (HE) sector carried out for the Higher Education Funding Council for Engl...

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