Our latest News

5th November 2007

Help the environment, reduce food waste

A new campaign has been launched aimed at ending Britain's wasteful attitude towards food.

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5th November 2007

Climate Challenge is Security Challenge

Climate change is one of history's the greatest security challenges, says think tank study.

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5th November 2007

UK Legislation: taking the Climate Change Bill forward

The UK Government is committed to addressing both the causes and consequences of climate change and has therefore committed to introducing a Climate Change Bill.

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5th November 2007

Global food crisis looms as climate change and fuel shortages bite

Empty shelves in Caracas. Food riots in West Bengal and Mexico. Warnings of hunger in Jamaica, Nepal, the Philippines and sub-Saharan Africa. Soaring prices for basic foods are beginning to lead to political instability,...

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5th November 2007

Chip and bin to combat climate change?

Chips in wheelie bins could be used to help the UK meet targets to reduce its CO2 emissions.

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5th November 2007

Climate Change Threatens Human Health, According To Australian Report

Australians face increasingly large-scale health risks from our expanding impact on the natural environment, ranging from increases in weather extremes and dengue fever to obesity, diabetes and mental health.

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5th November 2007

Sustainable Events : A Guide

Defra has recently published a Sustainable events guide.

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5th November 2007

Climatespace – for warming communities up to climate change

A new website, hosted by the new economics foundation (nef) is setting out to build an online community of people, groups and organisations finding their way in a warming world.

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5th November 2007

Defra's Public Service Agreements & New Tools

For further information about the Spending Review and to view full details of the PSAs, visit: the Treasury website: http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/pbr_csr/pbr_csr07_index.cfm. A package of tools were last week launched ...

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5th November 2007

'Green' is the norm: public attitudes and behaviours

Warnings about the effects of climate change have made most Britons aware of the crisis, but few are willing to make major changes to the way they live, a survey showed on Friday.

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