Our latest News

5th November 2007

City's lights out for environment

Some of Liverpool's most iconic landmarks will be plunged into darkness to raise awareness of climate change.

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5th November 2007

Climate change: we have the power

Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish chemist, suggested in 1936 that carbon dioxide from burning coal could create an atmospheric greenhouse effect and warm the planet.

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5th November 2007

Risking the Weather: The Insurance Sector Faces Climate Change

A new report sponsored by Ceres and written by Evan Mills, one of the recipients of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, highlights new products offered by the insurance sector in response to the changing climate.

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5th November 2007

Israel's first 'green' city

Kfar Saba is planning to become the first city in Israel to be recognized by the United Nations as a "green city," and has presented comprehensive plans that will affect every sphere of life in the municipality, reports ...

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5th November 2007

Builders must increase sustainability efforts

The house building industry will have to raise its game if it is to meet Government targets on sustainability, according to a new survey.

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5th November 2007

Scotland's bid to cut carbon emissions by 80% 'bound to get harder'

Scotland's target to cut greenhouse gas emissions is "incredibly ambitious" and will get harder as the years go by, a senior Scottish Government official has warned.

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5th November 2007

Tigers driven to edge of extinction by poachers

The disastrous impact of poaching and the destruction of the natural habitat of one of the planet's most threatened animals will be made clear tomorrow when the Indian government is told that its remaining tiger populati...

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25th October 2007

Sarkozy's green revolution in danger of producing nothing more than hot air

President Nicolas Sarkozy promises to add a green stripe to the French tricolour today in a speech which will place France at the cutting edge of the fight against global warming.

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25th October 2007

Scientists say Kyoto protocol is 'outdated failure'

The international effort to curb man-made emissions of greenhouse gases � as enshrined in the Kyoto protocol � is a miserable failure that needs to be swept away and replaced, according to a new report.

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22nd October 2007

Europe's environment: 'major concerns remain', says EEA report

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has released its fourth assessment report on the environmental situation in 53 European countries, highlighting significant air pollution, biodiversity loss and poor water quality ac...

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