Our latest News

17th September 2007

$25m climate–change campaign launched in Australia

Families will be encouraged to become "carbon-neutral" by planting trees and other green initiatives, as part of a $25 million climate-change advertising blitz.

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17th September 2007

Russia Progressing in Sustainability League

Russia is outpacing the US, UK and Germany in securing its population's long-term economic and environmental future, according to a new study.

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17th September 2007

Bees Key Indicator for Climate Change

If we had the time and knew how to listen, Nature could tell us thousands of stories about how climate change is affecting life on Earth.

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17th September 2007

Airlines are heating up the environment

Low profits, falling margins, rising competition and high exit barriers are some of the problems that the aviation sector is facing. But these are not the only once.

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30th August 2007

UN Carbon Trading Plan Comes Ever Closer

Initial reviews indicate that countries will meet criteria to implement an essential tool in efforts to reduce global warming gases with a trading mechanism that allows States which cut emissions below treaty targets to ...

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30th August 2007

Chinese light–bulb imports spark EU controversy

European consumers will probably have to wait another year before they see the prices of energy-saving light bulbs fall, following a Commission decision to extend anti-dumping duties on imports from China rather than scr...

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30th August 2007

Flush & Forget is Obsolete

The "flush and forget" system is expensive, water-intensive, it disrupts the nutrient cycle, and it is a major source of disease in developing countries.

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30th August 2007

Higher CO2 levels could lead to more summer floods

Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to higher river levels and an increase in the risk of summertime flooding because plants will be less able to soak up rainwater from waterlogged soil, the Met O...

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30th August 2007

Scotland Appoints Expert Panel to Guide Low Carbon Homes

The establishment of an expert panel to recommend measures to make houses and buildings in Scotland more energy efficient was announced today.

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30th August 2007

End of the Line for the Merton Rule?

The government is set to scupper an award-winning planning policy which encourages green developments, according to reports.

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