Our latest News

30th August 2007

New toolkit to promote green business travel

As environmentalists gather at Heathrow Airport to protest against the impact of air travel on climate change, a university research group tasked with helping the aviation industry meet the challenges of expansion has re...

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30th August 2007

Brisbane Protest on Climate Change

More than 1000 people braved the rain in Brisbane today to join politicians and community campaigners in the annual Walk Against Warming rally.

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30th August 2007

Climate Change Pressures on Kenyan Wildlife

The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) says climate change is to blame for increasing conflicts between humans and wildlife across East Africa, and is heightening the risk that animal diseases will spread.

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30th August 2007

Public attitudes and behaviours toward the environment

Headline results from the 2007 Survey of Public Attitudes and Behaviours toward the environment were released today. They give a representative picture of what people in England think, and how they behave, across a range...

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30th August 2007

Driving Economic Growth – Mobility for Development

Mobility is key to economic development. Businesses need road, rail, shipping and air networks to transport goods and services to markets, while people need them to get to jobs and use basic services.

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30th August 2007

Call for 'green–home' cash bonus

Households should receive council tax rebates to encourage them to install solar panels and wind turbines, an independent think tank claims.

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30th August 2007

Public backs nuclear energy to help power Britain's future

An overwhelming majority of people believe that nuclear power will have a role to play in meeting Britain's future energy needs, despite continued opposition from environmental campaigners.

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30th August 2007

Sustainable fish finger to hit market

Birds Eye has announced that it is to launch a fish finger made entirely from sustainable fish, in an attempt to increase focus on sustainability.

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16th August 2007

Every Child Matters – Effects of Pollution and Safety

New SDC Report: Every Child's Future Matters Are poorly designed roads and housing developments invading children's space?

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16th August 2007

Beyond Stern – 7th EAC Report

The Government's Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) recently published 'Beyond Stern: From the Climate Change Programme Review to the Draft Climate Change Bill', in which they warn that, although some lessons have been ...

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