Our latest News

1st June 2006

29th May 2006

UN Conference Sets Agenda for Talks on Further Cuts in GHG Emissions

Delegates at a United Nations sponsored-conference on climate change have agreed on how to pursue negotiations on further cuts in greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol, officials who participated in the first...

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29th May 2006

Tourist Resorts Responding to Climate Change

With climate change posing a potential threat to tourist resorts, the South Pacific islands nation of Fiji has been selected as a pilot country for a series of United Nations-backed projects aimed at helping the tourism ...

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29th May 2006

New Green Alliance Report: Housing a Low Carbon Society.

A new Green Alliance report, Housing a Low Carbon Society: An ODPM leadership agenda on climate change, has been launched.

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29th May 2006

Regionalisation and the New Politics of Waste

Recognition of the need for a more sustainable approach to the management of waste has grown at the European Union, national and local levels in recent years.

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29th May 2006

Green Your Roof – National Green Roof Conference.

The UK's leading Green Roof Conference will take place on June 20-21 2006 at The University of Sheffield. Green roofs are attracting great interest because of their contribution to sustainable construction and developme...

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29th May 2006

Russian gas low to hit UK

Buyers in the UK could face sharp gas price rises next winter as a result of declining Russian supplies. Eric Bergl�f, chief economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, told a conference at the Eur...

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29th May 2006

Don't rush to nuclear power, warns Blair's environment adviser

Tony Blair's own environmental adviser has warned him that building more nuclear power stations could "drain resources" from developing renewable energy and other green forms of fuel. In a report to the Government's ener...

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29th May 2006

New planning policy guidance to urge carbon neutral development

All development will have to be carbon neutral in the future as part of the government's evolving policy on climate change, housing and planning minister Yvette Cooper has signalled.

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29th May 2006

What has sustainability got to do with...

Greenfutures' Nicola Baird feels every parent's pressure � and comes up with a radical solution: a holiday from half term. "Isn't half term meant to be fun?" You'd hardly think so, from the moans of us ungrateful parent...

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