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18th May 2006

The burning issue: Central Europeans challenge Commission on waste incineration

The European Environmental Bureau welcomes the strong support by Central European 'Visegrad Group' Ministers for re-using and recycling waste instead of incinerating it, ahead of the Council working party on waste to be ...

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18th May 2006

Health Impacts and Unsustainable Behaviour - Request for research

The UK Sustainable Development Commission is preparing a response to the Government's Comprehensive Spending Review over the next couple of months.

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18th May 2006

More species threatened with extinction, IUCN warns

The polar bear and hippopotamus join the ranks of animal and vegetal species threatened with extinction, according to the latest "red list" published by the World Conservation Union (IUCN).

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18th May 2006

Minister wants all schools to become environmentally friendly by 2020

Schools are to be encouraged to pioneer sustainable development in their communities by using wind, solar energy and bio-fuels as well as leading the way in efforts to stamp out the "throw-away culture".

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18th May 2006

Milliband Takes DEFRA Hotseat

Margaret Beckett has been moved aside and David Milliband has been put in charge of the UK Government's environment Miniistry, DEFRA.

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18th May 2006

New EU law to cut in energy use

On 17 May a new EU law on end-use energy efficiency and energy services came into force. This Directive aims to cut energy use by 9% over business-as-usual in the period from 2008 to 2017. EU Member States must transpose...

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18th May 2006

2 Billion Lack Access to Electricity and Energy

Two billion people lack access to electricity and other modern sources of energy, and three billion people still cook on wood or charcoal fires. A report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that by 2030 dem...

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18th May 2006

Edinburgh Encouraging Recycling

Environment chiefs have embarked on a new drive to persuade Edinburgh residents to recycle their waste. A fleet of 20 council vehicles have been branded with the Waste Aware Edinburgh message, to encourage householders t...

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18th May 2006

Revised EcoHomes Sets Higher Standards

A new, revised version of EcoHomes, has been launched. EcoHomes is the homes version of BREEAM. It provides an authoritative rating for new, converted or renovated homes, and covers both houses and apartments. It balance...

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18th May 2006

Commission takes small step to "green" its activities

Commissioners Dimas and Kallas promised to "practice what they preach", when they presented the efforts of four of the Commission's 41 departments to make internal activities more environmentally friendly.

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