Our latest News

15th October 2010

Rich countries must live up to pledge to help developing world on climate change

United Nations officials have called on industrialised countries to live up to their multi-billion dollar pledges to help the developing world adapt to climate change at a week-long meeting of several hundred African exp...

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15th October 2010

New species of fish discovered in ocean's deepest depths

A new species has been discovered in a part of the ocean previously thought to be entirely free of fish, scientists said.

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15th October 2010

Four capital cities sign up to 10:10

Amsterdam, Zagreb, Paris and Mexico City become the first cities to pledge to cut their carbon emissions by 10% in the next year

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15th October 2010

Whale's swim the longest

A humpback whale has travelled the longest distance recorded for any mammal, swimming across nearly a quarter of the globe between two breeding grounds.

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15th October 2010

Camera catches bulldozer destroying Sumatra tiger forest

A video camera trap installed by WWF and partners has captured footage linking the destruction of a crucial Sumatran tiger forest to the expansion of palm oil plantations in Indonesia's Riau Province.

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15th October 2010

La Ni�a weather, with possible floods and droughts, likely to last for months

The La Ni�a weather pattern is likely to continue and may strengthen over the next four to six months, potentially bringing abnormal conditions to widely separate areas of the world, from floods to droughts to below or a...

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15th October 2010

UN–backed gathering aims to identify climate change adaptation actions

Hundreds of people gathered at a United Nations-backed meeting in Addis Ababa to identify actions that will promote sustainable development in Africa in the face of climate change.

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15th October 2010

Carbon trading likely to develop regionally

Huge investments in green technology in Asia and steps toward domestic emissions trading are opening up the prospect of regional carbon trading, climate change experts in Asia have said.

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15th October 2010

Wind could provide 20 pct of world power by 2030: study

Wind power could meet about a fifth of the world's electricity demand within 20 years, an industry group and environmental watchdog Greenpeace predicted in a new report.

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15th October 2010

Google invests in $5bn wind–power superhighway

Google is extending its investment in green technology with a $5bn (�3.2bn) programme to build an undersea, wind energy transmission backbone along 350 miles of the Atlantic seaboard.

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