Our latest News

6th September 2010

Amazon at lowest level for 40 years

Travel along the Amazon is suffering severe disruption because the river has hit its lowest level in more than 40 years near its source in north-eastern Peru.

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6th September 2010

Forest fires in Madeira put future of Europe's rarest seabird under threat

Europe's rarest seabird, the Zino's Petrel, found only in Madeira, has suffered potentially devastating losses from a forest fire which struck the birds' breeding area on the Atlantic island.

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6th September 2010

Tibetan nomads struggle as grasslands disappear from the roof of the world

Scientists say desertification of the mountain grasslands of the Tibetan plateau is accelerating climate change.

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6th September 2010

UN–backed pact launches new tool to monitor trade in endangered species

The secretariat of a United Nations-backed conservation convention has announced the launch of a new web-based interactive tool that enables users to view trade data about wildlife and plants that was submitted by the 17...

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20th August 2010

Airline experts to assess volcano risks in Iceland

Aviation and aerospace experts will gather in Iceland next month to coordinate the global response to future volcanic eruptions, Icelandic officials said.

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20th August 2010

Tsunami coral dying due to temperature rise

Coral that survived the 2004 tsunami is now dying at one of the fastest rates ever recorded because of a dramatic rise in water temperatures off north western Indonesia, according to conservationists.

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20th August 2010

Bat 'mutes sonar signal to sneak up on its prey'

A rare British bat has developed remarkable stealth technology to sneak up on the moths which are its principal prey, new research has shown.

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20th August 2010

Growth undermining improved Sydney air quality

Sydney risks falling short of its air pollution targets for photochemical smog and ozone, as growing population and traffic congestion erodes the gains made by the switch to unleaded petrol in the 1980s.

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20th August 2010

On August 21st, we exceed nature's budget

It has taken humanity less than nine months to exhaust its ecological budget for the year, according to data from Global Footprint Network, a California-based environmental research organisation.

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20th August 2010

New UN initiative seeks to help humanitarian operations go green

A new online resource centre developed by the United Nations seeks to help reduce the damage done to the environment during humanitarian and relief activities in the aftermath of natural disasters, conflicts and other cr...

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