Our latest News

8th April 2010

El Nino to influence climate patterns to midyear

The El Nino warming the Pacific Ocean since June has peaked, but is expected to influence climate patterns worldwide up to mid-year before dying out, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

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7th April 2010

IEMA to Clarify CRC Confusion in Guardian Webchat

On Friday 9th April, Jan Chmiel (Chief Executive of IEMA), will be on The Guardian's webchat panel to clarify the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme for practitioners. Post your questions today!

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24th March 2010

Consultations on tackling greenwash and inaccurate product claims

New proposals to tackle greenwash and build consumer confidence in environmental claims and labelling have been announced by Defra.

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22nd March 2010

Ban on fishing for bluefin is rejected

The trade in Atlantic bluefin tuna will continue unchecked after the rejection of a proposed fishing ban that had been described by conservationists as the only way to save the critically endangered species from extincti...

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22nd March 2010

Human health linked directly to forest health

Environmental degradation is causing serious detrimental health impacts for humans, but protecting natural habitats can reverse this and supply positive health benefits, according to a new WWF report.

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22nd March 2010

Polar bear trade ban voted down

A US-backed proposal to ban the international trade of polar bear skins, teeth and claws was voted down at a UN wildlife meeting over concerns it would hurt indigenous economies and arguments the practice didn't pose a s...

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22nd March 2010

Fine particles trapping more heat in atmosphere

Fine particles in the air produced by road transport trap more radiation in the earth's atmosphere than previously estimated, and therefore may contribute more to global warming than realised, according to new research. ...

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22nd March 2010

Report on UK's energy systems

Fundamental restructuring of the UK's entire energy system is unavoidable if it is to meet future energy demand while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, even assuming that energy demand in all sectors can ...

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22nd March 2010

Australian laws to promote building efficiency

Owners of large commercial buildings in Australia will have to disclose energy efficiency information when putting buildings up for sale or lease, under new laws introduced in parliament.

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22nd March 2010

Warning over England's peatlands

Natural England has launched a comprehensive review of the condition of England's peatlands and the vital role they play in combating climate change.

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