Our latest News

20th May 2010

Saving global fish stocks would cost 20 million jobs, says UN

More than 20 million people employed in the fishing industry may need to be taken out of service and retrained for other work over the next 40 years if the final collapse of fish stocks in oceans around the globe is to b...

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20th May 2010

Africa's Lake Tanganyika warming fast

Africa's Lake Tanganyika has heated up sharply over the past 90 years and is now warmer than at any time for at least 1,500 years, a scientific paper has warned, adding that fish and wildlife are threatened.

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20th May 2010

Characterising particulate matter from sites across Europe

A recent study has analysed the physical and chemical characteristics of particulate matter (PM) from 60 sites across Europe. The results suggest there is no single ratio between PM2.5 and PM10 mass concentrations for al...

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20th May 2010

Carbon cuts in Australia will create jobs

Big cuts to carbon emissions and heavy investment in green technologies will create 3.7 million jobs across Australia by 2030, economic modelling commissioned for unions and green groups shows.

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20th May 2010

China study shows huge potential of low carbon telecom solutions

A joint China Mobile and WWF study has shown the huge potential low carbon telecom solutions have to reduce carbon emissions, with savings from Chinese telecom solutions in 2008 estimated at being similar to the total ca...

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12th May 2010

Conservative/ Lib Dem's coalition pledge to deliver a "lasting" green economy

Prime Minister David Cameron has today announced a coalition dedicated to building a "green economy that lasts".

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6th May 2010

Giant funnel is lowered to plug BP oil leak

BP will attempt an unprecedented engineering feat, dangling a metal box the size of a double-decker bus a mile underwater to try to contain the oil leaks responsible for the slick in the Gulf of Mexico.

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6th May 2010

Australia's global footprint one of the worst

Australia ranks among the world's 10 worst countries for environmental impact, according to research that found the richer a country, the greater its environmental footprint.

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6th May 2010

UN–backed study reveals rapid biodiversity loss

Global biodiversity has been declining alarmingly despite a pledge by world leaders in 2002 to help curb the loss of earthly life forms, a new United Nations-supported study shows.

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6th May 2010

Figures from America show scale of bee catastrophe on crops

Disturbing evidence that honeybees are in terminal decline has emerged from the United States where, for the fourth year in a row, more than a third of colonies have failed to survive the winter.

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