Our latest IEMA News

19th May 2007

Antarctic mission finds 700 new species

An astonishing array of wildlife has been unexpectedly found in one of the world's most hostile environments - the pitch-black, freezing extreme depths of the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica.

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16th May 2007

SocEnv supports 'Contract and Convergence' for a fairer, carbon–neutral world

Colin Challen MP, Chair of the House of Commons All Party Committee on Climate Change, addressed the Society's Board, at it's meeting on 7th March, on the value of 'Contraction and Convergence' - the so called 'C and C' ...

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9th May 2007

Pollutants in the Environment: Mobility and Fate

A wide range of chemicals such as the ones used in agriculture and by industry may leach into the surficial aquatic environment and underground water resources. The resulting chemical pollution can affect aquatic ecosyst...

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9th May 2007

Blair Likes His Rubbish Collection to be Weekly

Councils can increase recycling rates in "better ways" than moving to fortnightly rubbish collections, Tony Blair said today.

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9th May 2007

Government Departments Failing to Meet Targets

The majority of government departments and agencies are failing to meet targets to make their new buildings and major refurbishments sustainable, according to a report published last week by the National Audit Office.

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9th May 2007

UK Government 'We're in this Together.com'

A new campaign launched last week, aimed at providing people with ideas for behavioural change and practical solutions to reduce their household emissions by one tonne over three years.

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9th May 2007

Al Gore Blasts Tory Environment Plan At Green Living Show

He's gone from one of the world's most powerful politicians to one of its greatest environmental activists, and on Saturday former U.S. Vice President Al Gore hit Toronto's Green Living Show where he took aim at Ottawa's...

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9th May 2007

Malaria fear as global warming increases

Global warming could lead to a return of insect-borne diseases in Britain such as malaria, and increased incidence of skin cancer caused by exposure to the sun, a government report warns today.

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9th May 2007

Climate change 'can be tackled'

The growth in greenhouse gas emissions can be curbed at reasonable cost, experts at a major UN climate change conference in Bangkok have agreed. Boosting renewable energy, reducing deforestation and improving energy eff...

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9th May 2007

Climate Change Must Be Tackled By International Politicians

Climate change is no longer a matter for scientific debate, but has become a question to be solved at the international political level, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's three new Special Envoys on the issue said today, p...

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