Our latest IEMA News

22nd April 2007

Firth of Forth Hit By Sewage Devastation

The public has been warned to avoid contact with water in the Firth of Forth after a "major" sewage spill.

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22nd April 2007

DTI – Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Carbon Abatement

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is running the Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Carbon Abatement Technologies Demonstration Scheme (HFCCAT) in order to reduce barriers to the introduction of cost-effective, low carbon...

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22nd April 2007

Study sheds new light on global warming

A researcher at the University of Sheffield has helped develop an innovative index which measures changes in wind and storminess over long periods of time, helping scientists to assess past and future climate change incl...

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22nd April 2007

Dutch Cabinet To Draw Up Sustainability Criteria For All Govt Purchasing

The cabinet is to draw up sustainability criteria for all products purchased by the government. This manual will serve as a guideline for the various authorities' purchasing policy.

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22nd April 2007

'Gold rush' for wood flooring is destroying endangered habitat

British shoppers are unwittingly playing a part in the destruction of one of the world's last great wildlife habitats by buying flooring made of endangered wood from "paradise forests".

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22nd April 2007

$8000 award for "broadband and sustainability"

The Telecommunications Society of Australia is offering an $8000 prize for the best paper on applying broadband to environmental sustainability, and $2000 for the best paper on using broadband for water conservation.

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22nd April 2007

Hungary mulls legal action over slashed CO2 plan

A legal row is brewing as Budapest considers taking the Commission to court over its decision to slash the amount of carbon allowances that the country can allocate to companies under the European emissions-trading schem...

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11th April 2007

Commission launches debate on 'green' tax reform

Shifting tax burdens from labour to environmentally damaging activities is one of the main options of a new Green Paper launched on 28 March by Commissioners Dimas and Kovacs.

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11th April 2007

Climate Change Set to Overwhelm the World's Poor

Friends of the Earth International has demanded steep emissions cuts by all rich countries and more funding for climate change adaptation in developing countries, after the world's leading scientific experts today warned...

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11th April 2007

Carbon Offsets: Modern–Day Indulgences to Assuage Carbon Guilt?

Even as they gain popularity as a climate change solution, carbon offsets have come under considerable criticism for diluting action on global warming--the truth likely resides between these extremes.

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