Our latest IEMA News

26th April 2007

Wave farm wins £21.5m grant

The world's largest wave farm planned off the UK coast has secured sufficient funding for the project to go ahead as early as next year, subject to planning permission.

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26th April 2007

Miliband calls for worldwide 'ecological conversion'

Climate change must be tackled through a coalition grounded in morality and ethics, the environment secretary, David Miliband, told a Vatican conference today.

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26th April 2007

Water and Climate Change

Re-thinking how we supply and use water in the UK in the light of climate change is an urgent priority.

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24th April 2007

Norway aims for zero–carbon status

Norway plans to be the first country in the world to become "carbon neutral" and cut its net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050.

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24th April 2007

UN Welcomes New York's Green Initiative

Plans unveiled by New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Earth Day to reduce the strain on natural resources such as water, air and land were warmly embraced by officials with the United Nations department that prom...

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24th April 2007

Bioenergy to Support Rural Economy

Top international experts met in Rome to consider the environmental and food security impact of the rapidly-expanding bioenergy industry and agreed that governments could use bioenergy as a positive force for rural devel...

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24th April 2007

Map of Greenland Needs Redrawing

The map of Greenland will have to be redrawn. A new island has appeared off its coast, suddenly separated from the mainland by the melting of Greenland's enormous ice sheet, a development that is being seen as the most a...

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23rd April 2007

WRATE Launched to Help Waste Strategy

The Environment Agency launched on 2 April Waste & Resources Assessment Tool for the Environment (WRATE), a software package that local authorities can use to perform a life cycle analysis on various household waste ...

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23rd April 2007

Barrot eyes congestion–charging as urban–mobility solution

The transport commissioner may propose a European legal framework that would give cities the possibility of introducing congestion charging schemes similar to London's � a move previously forbidden in some member states.

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23rd April 2007

Clean car seeks green (wealthy) driver

Rules forcing carmakers to build greener vehicles will be of no use unless measures are taken to convince consumers to buy them, experts have agreed in a debate on the Commission's vehicle-emissions strategy.

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