Our latest IEMA News

27th February 2007

Mayor unveils London Climate Change Action Plan

The Mayor of London today (Tuesday 27th February 2007) set out the first comprehensive plan to cut London's carbon emissions.

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26th February 2007

Australia pulls plug on old bulbs

Australia has announced plans to ban incandescent light bulbs and replace them with more energy efficient fluorescent bulbs.

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26th February 2007

Red tape thwarts wind revolution

Wind farm projects that could supply power to one in six homes in the UK have been stuck in Britain's controversial planning system - prompting warnings that renewable energy has effectively been 'stopped in its tracks'.

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26th February 2007

Tour firm to make carbon offsetting mandatory

The specialist holiday company Holidaybreak is planning to make carbon offsetting against flights compulsory for all its customers and is calling on other major tour operators to follow its lead.

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26th February 2007

Labour accused of climate Bill chaos

Labour was accused of downgrading its commitment to tackle global warming yesterday as Tony Blair and David Miliband, the Environment Secretary, were charged with reneging on a promise to introduce a Climate Change Bill.

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26th February 2007

Honda F1 Team Launch the 'Earth Car'

The Honda Formula One team announced that its new car for the current F1season will not be displaying any advertising logos. Instead it will be featuring a giant picture of the Earth, with the team unveiling the first ev...

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26th February 2007

Go nuclear, save the planet says Lovelock

James Lovelock, father of the Gaia theory, says green opposition to atomic power, as seen in the High Court last week, is crazy: What an incredible mistake Greenpeace made when it took the government to court in an attem...

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26th February 2007

Flight–free bishop wants environment at centre of Christian faith

For most of the 150 delegates who travelled to Germany for a gathering of church leaders in historic Wittenberg, the trip was a matter of a few hours, thanks to one of the many low-cost airlines that now ply Europe's ski...

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26th February 2007

Antartic Melt Reveals New Species

The seas around the Antarctic peninsula are among the most mysterious places on Earth - what life there is has remained largely a mystery, thanks to a thick cover of ice for the past few millennia.

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26th February 2007

Canadian Ice – Half Normal Levels at Baffin Island

The edge of the ice floe along Davis Strait and southern Baffin Island has moved closer to shore this year, Environment Canada says.

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