Our latest IEMA News

25th March 2007

EC Commissions 2 Studies for Sustainable Transport

The European Commission launched today two new research projects looking for possibilities to make transport more sustainable. The projects were launched at the Conference �Transport and Environment: A Global Challenge' ...

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25th March 2007

Reinvented Gore returns to Capitol Hill

It was more than six years since Al Gore had appeared in an official capacity on Capitol Hill. In January 2001, one of his joyless final tasks as outgoing Vice-President had been to formally certify the votes of the man ...

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25th March 2007

Heat Wave on the Top of the World

The French Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC, or GIEC in French) has just announced the conclusions of its 4th report, which restates that global warming has increased the average temperature by 0.74�C over...

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25th March 2007

Compost leads the way with first Quality Protocol

A new initiative making it easier for businesses and industry to produce more compost and reduce the amount of organic waste sent to landfill was launched today by WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) and the En...

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25th March 2007

China to release details of energy law April 27–28

The Chinese government will give details on the progress of the country's first energy law in an international seminar to be held later in Beijing on April 27-28, the deputy director of China's National Energy Leading Gr...

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25th March 2007

Carbon Capture and Storage is the Future: Darling

The UK can be the birthplace of the world's full scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) demonstration plant, UK Trade & Industry Minister Alistair Darling said yesterday.

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25th March 2007

Carbon Labels Help Consumers

Carbon footprints are currently a hot topic in the media, making consumers and business more aware than ever about the impact of products and services on climate change.

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25th March 2007

Arctic Sea Ice Decline May Trigger Climate Change Cascade

Arctic sea ice that has been dwindling for several decades may have reached a tipping point that could trigger a cascade of climate change reaching into Earth's temperate regions, says a new University of Colorado at Bou...

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15th March 2007

Sustainable response dismays buyers

After months of delay, the government has finally responded to the recommendations of the Sustainable Procurement Task Force (SPTF). And, to the surprise of many involved in the original plan, Whitehall has rejected one ...

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14th March 2007

Global warming: The climate has changed

The Government has become the first in the world to commit itself to legally binding reductions in carbon dioxide emissions but will come under strong pressure to agree to bigger cuts when its landmark Climate Change Bil...

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