Our latest IEMA News

14th March 2007

A Bill which makes reducing carbon emissions a legal duty

Targets are the easiest things in the world to set. The act of setting one costs you nothing. You've got a target? OK, I'll set a bigger one. But delivering them is a different matter entirely.

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14th March 2007

Department for Transport Acts on CO2

Department for Transport's (DfT's) latest campaign "Act on CO2" has been launched today.

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12th March 2007

UN Environment Chief Supports Ozone Protection to Combat Climate Change

The head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has applauded the findings of a new study that calls for a "parallel push" to fight climate change and also to decrease chemicals harming the ozone layer which ...

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12th March 2007

London Aims High for Greenest City

Big cities are increasingly taking the lead in the fight against global warming. As heavy emitters of greenhouse gas, some are going beyond federal or national political efforts to deal with the climate-change challenge....

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12th March 2007

Gleeds says it will promote sustainability

Gleeds' first head of sustainability has announced he will be teaming up with the company's ambassador Sir Steve Redgrave later in the year to promote sustainability.

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12th March 2007

Green anger at 'ghost flights'

As politicians outline rival visions of a green agenda, an airline has angered environmental campaigners for flying an empty passenger plane in order to keep hold of its landing slots.

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12th March 2007

Construction sector rises to challenge of building eco–friendly homes of the future

Most people's concern about carbon emissions or a carbon footprint centres around gas-guzzling cars or flights. But in reality much of the problem is closer to home, or indeed in the home. Lighting and heating buildings ...

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12th March 2007

NZ goes green for total sustainability

The New Zealand government is pledging to "buy green" in a bid to make it the first country to become carbon neutral.

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12th March 2007

British Government Not Meeting Its Own Sustainability Goals

The government is failing to meet key sustainability targets while lecturing others on climate change, a watchdog has claimed.

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12th March 2007

Reducing Risks from Climate Change: No More Time for Delay

"Humanity must act collectively and urgently to change course through leadership at all levels of society," says the final report of the Scientific Expert Group on Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

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