Our latest IEMA News

2nd May 2006

I will if you will – Towards sustainable consumption

The final report of the Sustainable Consumption Roundtable sets out how a significant shift towards more sustainable lifestyles is possible and positive. People are willing to change, but they need to see others acting a...

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2nd May 2006

Funding to move heavy freight from road to rail

Holidaymakers and business travellers will soon notice a big difference when driving between Scotland and England thanks to funding announced today. Some 260 lorry journeys a week will be cut from Scotland's busy road ne...

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2nd May 2006

'Cut emissions' food trade urged

The food industry in England has been urged to reduce carbon emissions and waste to cut environmental damage. Retailers could play a "crucial" role by making transportation more efficient, says the government's Food Indu...

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2nd May 2006

FAO sees major shift to bioenergy

Under the pressure of soaring oil prices and growing environmental constraints, momentum is gathering for a major international switch from fossil fuels to renewable bioenergy, according to FAO, the UN Food and Agricultu...

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2nd May 2006

ScottishPower's giant windfarm approved

Europe's biggest onshore windfarm is to be built close to Glasgow after final planning approval was given to the £300m project. The giant windfarm, featuring 140 turbines, will cover 35 square miles of moorland and fores...

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2nd May 2006

Eurocities calls for urban priority in cohesion policy

Eurocities called for specific guidelines focusing on cities and urban areas to be incorporated into the Community Strategic Guidelines (CSG) for Cohesion Policy.

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19th April 2006

High Powered Talks on Water Shortage

The Environment Agency will be addressing the problem of water shortages and climate change by sponsoring a sustainability conference organised by Brighton and Hove City Council. On Thursday (April 20), the Environment A...

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19th April 2006

Environment Agency wants water–saving gardens

Gardeners are being urged to spend less time trying to look for loopholes in hosepipe bans and instead invest in drought-tolerant plants. The Environment Agency says people should think about what plants, trees and shrub...

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19th April 2006

Need for clarity on waste prevention and recycling

The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) calls for more policy clarity for investments in waste management. Local and regional authorities are responsible for a significant part of the implementation of ...

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19th April 2006

EU agrees on recycling standards for tyres

EU member states have agreed to incorporate United Nations regulations into EU law, so that recycled tyres fulfil similar standards of safety and quality control than new ones.

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