Our latest IEMA News

31st March 2006

Blow for Britain's fight against climate change as emissions target is missed

Britain's credibility as a leader in the fight against climate change has suffered a massive blow with the Government being forced to announce it will not meet its flagship target for cutting the carbon dioxide emissions...

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31st March 2006

Better Forest Management Has Key Role to Play in Climate Change Strategy

Not only do forests absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, thereby mitigating the effects of climate change, but using wood from a sustainably-managed forest as fuel instead of oil, coal and natural gas, can also redu...

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31st March 2006

China's car tax unlikely to impact environment

A new Chinese tax on luxury cars - imposed in an effort to cut pollution - takes effect next weekend, but analysts say it should have little impact on either the environment or car sales. Sport utility vehicles and overs...

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31st March 2006

What is the economics of climate change?

This discussion paper, known as the "Stern Review", written by Sir Nick Stern of the UK's HM Treasury, discusses the long term economic challenges posed by climate change, warning that global warming itself may impede gl...

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31st March 2006

Public procurement favours 'cheapest and most polluting'

Government may claim to be putting the environment somewhere near the top of its agenda, but the reality is different, according to the Environmental Industries Commission. In a letter to Jonathon Porritt, chairman of th...

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31st March 2006

Putting Sustainability Impact Assessments at the heart of EU trade policy

EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson will today open the European Commission's international Stocktaking Conference on Trade Sustainability Impact Assessments. Up to 400 participants from 60 countries will discuss progr...

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31st March 2006

Environment right for nappy entrepreneur

The need for biodegradable nappies is growing, says Teresa Ooi. Former Stockholm lawyer Marlene Sandberg took a gamble when she chucked in her legal career to become an environmental entrepreneur. She had just had her se...

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31st March 2006

Margaret Beckett: There is no magic solution to end carbon dependency

The evidence of dangerous climate change, as regularly reported in your newspaper, is becoming ever more stark. The devastating impacts that this could have on developing nations should encourage us all to step up our ef...

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31st March 2006

London's LEZ – London Assembley Report

The London Assembley Environment Committee has responded to the Mayor's consultation on the draft revisions to the Transport and Air Quality strategies.

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31st March 2006

Wal–Mart's Organics Could Shake Up Retail

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is throwing its weight behind organic products, a move that experts say could have the same lasting effect on environmental practices that Wal-Mart has had on prices by forcing suppliers and competit...

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